Tuesday, August 08, 2006

team singapore you rawk!
the fireworks were better than ITALY definitely! =)
photos later...

anyway, i find this highly adorable...
on the way back to work from novena,
there was this guy on the train...
probably no more than 18 years old,
slightly nerdy,
no different from an average bookworm..
there he was giggling to himself,
bursting out into an occasional laugh.
turning red from delight!
if you had just boarded the train,
you might think he had a loose screw up his head...
but had you been there earlier...
you would have known why...

next to him sat 2 gurls,
slightly above average in looks,
with a tad bit of "american" in them...
they were chatting, making conversation...
and i wonder if they were actually friends...
when the girls got up to leave,
they said bye and called out his name.
when they were gone,
he didn't seem to believe what had happened...
he shook his head in disbelief.
the fact that he had 2 "babes" talkin to him?

just goes to show that some guys are still innocent.
that they get smitten just by sheer conversation,
with no hidden agenda.
(well, not as it seems that is.)

oh well...
no one really knows what goes on in the head of our male counterparts do we?

happy birthday singapore...!


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