Friday, October 20, 2006

one item on the wishlist down.
i got my vera wang princess fragrance! =]
yea now i'm a happy princess.
not too happy cos alex is gonna be busy all weekend...
but, it's okae.i'm good.
it's all part & parcel of life.
so, just smile & be happy!
thats what alex always tells me.
okaes, now i'll tell last night's crappy story.
i was at the dbs seminar with my sister,
when we were loading the stuff into the car, john was already in the front seat.when i opened the back door i thought i heard him talking to someone on the phone, i looked at him, he wasnt.
so i just got in and didn't say anything... i should have..
becos, when we drove off,he suddenly realised he had left his handphone behind.
get the picture?
i always have all these "visions" or in this case, "voices" telling me things..but being the dumb me i almost always fail to make any sense of it until the incident takes place. gifted, blessed, being able to sense future happenings, yet not say anything...
why jeanine why??
can't you be smarter and be more enthusiastic in acting on such instincts.
and alex didn't have to tell me he wont have time for me this weekend.
i already envisaged it days ago...
at least i prepared myself mentally for the "long weekend" without his company.very much missed though.
anyway anyway,singapore can't possibly get any i met up with babelyn, i shall skip the whole damn long story but yea things do happen for a reason. im sure.who would have thought that the babelyn who was coincidentally helping me to solve the (josh/ravin/rikel) mystery would turn out to be the babelyn i knew from ritz carlton? goodness gracious me... for that hour i she was sitting in front of me talking about financial advice i couldnt figure out why she looked so damn familiar. uggghhhhhh. i was wrecking my brains but i still couldn't link her to ritz until she mentioned it. and then we burst out laughing like 2 silly cows.
but it was great seeing her again. ahh familiar faces are always comforting. =]
haiya dear, what am i gonna do the whole weekend without you?
bleah. this is so demoralising... weekend please fly past. and the following week too. i just wanna be with you..
our love, it runs deeper than the deepest ocean, it's a love no one else would comprehend... oh if they could only see the beauty of this fairytale, it seems so surreal but yet IS real. you're the one of which for years i never spoke, the one that resided so silently deep in my heart. the lil part of me that was always there to comfort & console... and now that lil part of me has evolved so much, and made me whole.
it's amazing, i can't describe it.
baby, you're the Eighth Wonder of the World.


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