Monday, April 03, 2006

i hate mondays...
don't ask me why...
i just hate mondays...

i was so busy all day...
and i had to run out to suntec hsbc to deposit fabian's cheque..

it was raining in the late afternoon,
the perfect weather to just cuddle up in bed..
but i had to workkk!
did i mention it's a monday?

met up with my darling and angie and sarah at starfucks,
uh i mean... starbucks... oops.
we were crappin before goin to mac's for my dinner.

and everyone just loves my baby's singing yes?
that's why she's my lullaby.. =)

and here's the wacky trio...
you guys are the bestest company i've come across in a long long while...

and moreeee ministry of sound night photos...


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