Thursday, March 30, 2006

hungover? not.
29th march 2006,
the first time we hit the club together..
my baby and me..

got kinda cheesed off at work actually,
i wanted to leave by 8 but i had to stay to make sure nothing screws up with the VIP table..
*pouts* i was so depressed?

got to MOS @ about 11...
and smoove was quite empty still..
and in the 20 mins or less i was outside with fabian and roy,
the whole place filled up like nobody's business?
my gawdddd...

humping, grinding,
makin out on the dance floor..
you name it we either did it or saw it..
hahaha! =)

are lesbian couples the hottest thing to watch on the dancefloor?
possibly. or so i think.
or so we were told...
baby when its you and me.. *laughs*

anyway i got upset yesterday when i was leaving,
i guess i didnt wanna leave you..
no, im sure..
we have so much fun, and saying goodnight is just so hard..

6 more days baby... =)


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