Friday, April 21, 2006

mos two.

in the end,
i gave in to temptation...
i went clubbing again...
dis is bad...
dis is very very bad..

anyway, at least i didnt leave the club in tears
like i did the first time when we went with cake..
in fact i had a lot more fun this time around!
bumped into eric at the main arena..
and we made some aussie friends...
rebecca & dave if im not wrong...
it was gooood!!!

sarah's like the r & b/ hip hop pro?
hahah still say first time clubber...
trust me i have my doubts la... =P
thanks for sending me home dearie!
can you imagine, the total cab fare was $30.60...
mos to yishun to serangoon..
im not surprised...
madness madness, absolute madness!
almost fell asleep on the way back so we were crapping all the way..

when are we having ben and jerry's!?!?

anyway one of my most feared events is finally over..
the lunch for macquarie telecom.. thanks god!!
all went well, no screw ups..
it was good..
more events next week and i can take a breather..
work is really suffocating...

meeting at 1030 in the morning at patara..
and im still here..
save me please...
im falling....


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