Saturday, April 08, 2006

" my friday in a nutshell."

it was crazy. absolutely crazy.
on thursday i was told to report to work at 11am.
at 3am in the morning i received an sms asking me to report at 10am.
which of course i did not see until morning when i woke up at 845am.
and for goodness sake i am a very precise person.
if i have to report at 11am,
i leave by 945...
so i wake up at 845,
and how am i supposed to make it there by 10am?
that was the first shitty episode of the day.

part 2.
food tasting for ubs...
they just talk and talk and talk like nobody's business..
like hello i have better things to do like proposals to send out and deals to close rather than stand around waiting for you guys to start the lunch.

part 3.
immediately after the food tasting,
i rushed out 2 proposals..
and then went to the foyer to set up for the uob reception..
west side story's premiere @ esplanade.
i got so cheesed off with the table cloths...
i remember specifically saying i wanted 114,
they used 112.
i refused to tie the ribbons..

anyway, grabbed a quick dinner with erika and the rest,
it was hilarious..
i called erika cos i saw them walking towards marina square..
mind you we were still at the foyer..

now this was where the panic began...
fabian called asking why we didnt set up the glass house..
i only had 25 beer glasses on hand.
the expected event turn out was 190.
190 guests, 25 beer glasses?
its a miracle at the end of the night only 1 joker had 1 beer.
thank my lucky stars..

dis is 5.
then... i got "scolded" cos the groomin standard really sucked..
i mean, okae.. so they dont bun up their hair..
it's my fault?
fine i'll go buy hairnets and pins and i'll turn everyone into ballerinas...

* * *
okae dat was pretty much most of the shit.
the reception itself was swell..
i spent the whole 1 hour talking to this lady,
her name is jess
and she's cool..
she's 40 but she looks like 30,
and she has 2 kids..
she said i should call her mummy and i did.
she's so sweeet. =)

she was telling me i should marry an angmoh so i can lead a good life.
fabian came by to talk too...
oh well..

ton thanh was nice too,
she's the organiser..
vietnamese, very very nice...
after the reception i walked her to the taxi stand
and we were complaining about our aching feet!
and she said...
"im too vain to wear flats!"
if only all my clients are like thanh.. =)

anyway after that my feet hurt so so bad,
i was gonna leave to meet my baby,
but i got a call from fab saying he lost his access pass..
i specifically told him not to lose it cos he left it on my table..
and he "lost" it...
by the time i got to the carpark,
he called saying he found it.
one wasted trip,
and my feet were gonna give up on me...
so i lulled myself back to the office,
and fought the temptation to cab down to city hall to meet my darling...
=) =) =)

popped into robinsons to get me some new heels from itti & otto..
my most impulsive buy of 2006 mind you.
but it was like heaven after hell.
so we took a bus down to liang court to meet up with the old gang...
zamzi, lynn, idah, mabel, mhd, adimah, ken...
did i leave out anyone?
they went to mos after mac's but baby and i just cabbed back to yishun...
so that was it..
a hectic day with a sweet ending,
i just wish we had more time together...

baby's asleep now...
she's got an appointment in the early morning...
so sarah's entertaining me..

that's all folks!!! =)
enjoy the weekend!

did i mention i have 2 events on a SATURDAY?

omg... dis is new... msn
jeanine.. tshering yangdon. -- एन्दुरन्चे said:
i get out of control sometimes

`skye स्क्ये; kiss the demons out of my dreams ; ]] says:
when you get out of control call 9*******

a new way to give someone your number...
learn from sarah!! ahahhaaaa...


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