Wednesday, May 24, 2006

its.. baby's haircut day!

hahah my baby got her haircut... what do you think?
my pretty baby... hahah.. boy or gurl? *laughs*

i've got tons to bitch about.. may i begin?
i took a cab down to work cos my dear boss msged me saying i must get the mini discs to aria by 1030am.
i should have followed my instincts and called chef to see if he really needed it by 1030 or if 11 was fine.
i was too panicky to react.
so i end up calling a cab, and paying another 10% surcharge cos i paid with mastercard due to a lack of physical money. $17.80.
so i get to aria and drop off the MDs..
and i ran over to mac's to grab breakfast...
reminded me so much of when baby and i had breakfast at gardens...

baby shall we have breakfast together again sometime? =)

and guess what...??
the stupid food tasting never took place.
the clients didnt show up,
and when i called their office later on,
i was told that (k) had already left the company..
what the hell is wrong with all these people nowadays?
don't they have the slightest courtesy to handover outstanding issues before dropping the letter?

and like the day wasn't bad enough... the internet was down the whole freakin day!!! couldn't do a single thing. totally dumb.

clarence tried to fix it, only to find that the router is beyond hope.. so we had to get a new one... i was playing solitaire all day.. how unproductive! but but but, i closed 2 events without the internet.. hahahha! yayyy! =

i can't wait for ccn day baby!! *grins*

thank god i have my baby,
she makes even the worst day seem so right.
we had dinner @ long johns
and i was practically sleeping through dinner.

baby, im missing your kisses,
your hugs,
your warmth,
and your love..
but most of all i'm missing you..
loadssss.. =)

happy confession day baby!
*giggless* i love you!


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