Sunday, August 20, 2006

sometimes i wake up & wonder,
what the fuck am i doing?

at certain points in life,
you start feeling lost,
you lose all bearings,
you're stuck,
at a junction and you know you have to make up your mind.
problem is,
you can't go left cos you wanna go right,
yet you can't go right,
cos it just ain't RIGHT!

how much more fucked up can a person possibly feel?
trust me i wish i knew.
so what do you do when you're stuck in a rut?
you either stand still and wait for something to hit you,
or you run.
notice here that rational thinking and practical / constructive problem solving isn't an available option?
oh well, it's probably just my luck,
my life has always been full of melodrama
since the start anyways. so whats new???
nothing. its just the same damn shit
that keeps repeating itself.
everyone's been complaining that i have missing in action. then i wonder, has it been me or them? all along, ive been so so so caught up in relationships, i forget my friends... and all the other people dear to me...
you all know who you are.. im sorrrry!!!
no more next time! jeanine is back in everyone's life FOR GOOD.
but can we agree on this when i'm back from aussie?
laughsss... 20 days to aussie...i can't wait.
option 2 selected. RUN.


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