Saturday, September 30, 2006

its been the longest 3 weeks of my life.
away from the one who first stole my heart more than 2 years ago.
baby, i'm coming home... =]
these 3 weeks, has been a real test.
a test of time,
a test of distance,
a test of our love.
and although we've been so far apart,
my heart has never left your side...
im still, if not,
even more entwined..
i've spent my waking moments
wishing you were here with me...
to take in the sights and sounds of a foreign place...
just the very thought of you puts a warm smile on my face.
and everynight you lull me to sleep-
that sweet, familiar voice that i always seek..
and i wake up in the morning,
knowing that i'm one day closer to going back to your safe embrace.
no words would ever be enough
to describe the way you make me feel.
nothing, and no one else but you would complete my life.
and i can't thank the stars enough for bringin u back to me.
i love u sweetheart.
now, and always. =)


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