Saturday, October 28, 2006

stupid time with you makes me happy. =]
jeanine loves stupid time! haha.
woke up bright & early to bake brownies...
for who else... *laughs.
almost fell asleep waiting for the brownies to set up..
they're addictive la. im gonna get fatttt.
so much chocolate.. its hershey's fyi. plus BAILEYS.
dear i hope you like it okae!
im not a very good baker but i try. =P
finally got my iPod earpiece changed...
i call the place APPLE HOSPITAL. this is why!
alex calls it the iPod club...
cos u have to own an iPod to be there rite darling?
im itching to get iPod photo... how how how...
i want my new phone also.
dats it no D & G for me... i'll settle for the MOTOROLA V3X.
in fact i can get it now for like $198 (i think) wif mummy's phone line
why wait till year end to get it for $18?
anyway dinner was funnn!
scrapped satay club for good ol' bk.
the french chicken sandwhich rawwwksss! yummmm. =]
but it was sooo huge i had trouble finishing. haha!
and today we found out that sembawang shopping centre is just a short walk from my house!!! and we took a cab?!?!?
dear, next time, we'll just WALK. okaeee..?
i love u silly.
SMACKS u! heh.
love love.


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