Saturday, October 07, 2006

updates updates!
life's been good to me since my return from down under...
time flies, its been 5 days since my return to sunny singapore...

2nd october
lunch with the family, steph, tori...
tori's grown so lovely, she's sucha doll right baby? heh.
ohohoh, and we went to see the monkeys!

then supper with marcus at night.
aye i drove his car! (in PARKED gear. lol)

... in between, did some room revamping.. not too bad...

5th october
i got my hair cut!
baby's been askin me to get it cut so i did...
the result? dear loves it.. and thats all that matters. =]

dinner at long bar steakhouse with the family again.. the food aint to die for, but the prices will kill you.. LOL. at least i got my petty cash cheque.. yay, my moolahs are growing again. depleted in aussie. haha!

6th october

job interview for GRO @ RENAULT/VOLVO. hey, i got the offer.. time to make some serious career decisions.. my jewellery business is picking up, i can't seem to put it down! oh someone please gimme a sign..

DRINKS.went to cityhall to meet angel to pass her the baileys.. and vel popped by too! hah so what do 3 girls do when they get together? to introbar they go! drinks away! no laaaa.. only had one... THE AFTER EIGHT. good old baileys and kahlua... but the creme de menthe thinned the whole thing a tad bit too much. =


mooncake festival! steph came over with the kids..

tori & me

benji, bryan & me.

steph & me...

okae.. bedtime. yay we're goin for a fun time later! baby, you always know the way to my heart...


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