Tuesday, March 06, 2007

okay! so i haven't blogged since BEFORE CNY.
and now its over... hahaha. yikes time really flies huh?
been talking to my cousin alot lately... hahaha! he and his once a year appearances. like some super star... if you miss it, WAIT FOR THE NEXT YEAR! lol
clarus clarus, you're really one heck of a cousin. and so so so much like me in terms of characteristics! its FREAKY!
the only probable difference between us is age and gender. (:

now a few days ago,
i received a rather disturbing comment...

you know hu () wrote the following:http://www.haloscan.com/comments/boinksta/7677457651219884476/
for once, even i'll have to say that you suck big time, youdisgusting bitch.

WHATSUP!!?? really now, if you wanna leave such comments and expect me to know who you are. im sorry. i don't make enemies. and you're just being a wuss hiding behind dumb nicknames. if you really have issues with me, SAY IT TO MY FACE. or else, just hold your peace and be jealous for who knows what god forsaken reasons. gosh... GET A LIFE. i don't need critics in mine thank you very much. and if you still insist on the need to, at least get your information from reliable sources and not some paparrazzi headline generator. you'll only humiliate yourself with dumb "facts".

now thats done... here's something random..
presenting, the men of today and their...
Hello Miss Jeanine,
ok I look at you and what do I see?
A nice and really pretty little woman.
I think that you must have a lot of boyfriends,
through myspace and also in the real life.
I wish you find the good one.
May be me? Why not?
But I am so far (in the distance) from you.
I live in Paris and you in Singapore.
But maybe one day... we can meet.
See you,
best regards, C.


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