Friday, May 18, 2007


cos jeanine has been drowning in getting the new website up and running by her 22nd birthday.

22 in 10.

1.2.3. here we go.

"surprise" dinner @ BOTAK JONES + supper @ maestro bistro cine.

trust alex to always "surprise" me. indeed. when we go out its always like an excursion to me.. then i start realising there are so many places in singapore i havent been to. and start feeling like a SUAKU. but eh, at least i'm still learning right!

the food there is insane. the environment, is.. well FLY-INFESTED. felt like i was being fed to flies.. someone call the pest busters please! anyway tuas is like super isolated... i'd never go there on my own.. but i always enjoy the thrill of venturing into unknown places. chey. hahah

then fast forward... we had supper at maestro bistro. after walking around orchard aimlessly for almost an hour. or more? orchard is so so dead on weeknights. BORING. but we were undoubtably HIGH ON AIR. damn hilarious...


the first one we saw at botak jones at tuas. i saw something black run by in the corner of my eye, but not knowing what it was, i just passed it off as a very big bird or cat... but the next moment he gets a shock. HAHAHA RAT!!! eeewwww rats in food places, very bad. MOH??

next rat sighting, outside somerset mrt. i so so swear, RATS ARE HIGHLY DANGEROUS. might cause me a heart attack one day.. it ran across the path right in front of me, and left me screaming and running like some lunatic that fleed from captivity. as if that wasn't bad enough, he screamed to and pushed me even closer to the rat! thanks ah ka ceng!

so he says, "nothing, and no one is more important than life itself. this applies to real life situations, if there's a car heading towards me, i will push you towards the car and let it knock you first." YAY?

all in all, it was balls of fun! my much needed break from working on the site... felt so much more relaxed spending the day out... ahhh i should do that more often huh!


this was like 3 weeks ago at my place.
this is serious back-blogging! hahah
you know, i'm really really starting to hate making those brown envelopes that i send my items out in... soooo time consuming, i was told. yes i realise. blame me for always wanting to achieve the "personal touch" effect.
actually, we didn't finish the job either... why ah? lol
but i just got it all done earlier today.. phew
anyway, that day i realised doing the dishes isn't all that bad...when you've got someone fighting with you to do the dishes. not everyday people offer to help do dishes? hahaha it might just become my new hobby.. and that was the first time in my life i ate so much FISH MAW.

mummy told alex it's like FISH STOMACH, should have caught his face on camera..
go figure :)
anyway, i missed yoga today. i overslept...
but when daddy woke me up at 9, i swear my head felt like it was gonna split into two.
so... there goes my last yoga class. sigh...
back to work now.
laters! maybe, or in another month hahahaha! :)


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