Wednesday, March 14, 2007

i wish...
i wish i could tell you just how i feel,

and how i never got over us.
i wish you would hold me forever,
and never let me go.
i wish we could be in a world of our own.
i wish i didn't have to lie to you...
about being happy everyday.
i wish you knew what happens when night falls,
and you're nowhere in my reach.
i wish you knew how you make my heart sing.
yet now the lyrics to the song so distant to me.

you're a mystery i cannot solve...
there's something about you i just can't resist.
a force so strong it keeps pulling me back,
everytime i turn my back and walk away..
there's this voice inside,
and it's telling me i gotta stay...

darling i only wish, you knew what i was going through...

why does life have to be so complex?
why can't i just be a normal girl, with a normal life...
i just need someone to love.
someone who loves me too.
simply put, yet its meaning so profound.
i want simple things,
and yet...its the simple things that i can't have...

i wish i could tell you...


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