Tuesday, June 05, 2007

bangs or no bangs? jeanine is 22.
it's been the most exhausting, yet enjoyable week ever. really.
probably the most birthday celebrations over a span of 9 days...
i don't even know where to start!
we had a bbq at aloha loyang, for vel's 21st birthday.
happy happy birthday sweetie! was great; old friends, catching up. ah those old days at ritz..
gonna skip the photos for now. WAY TOO MANY!
on my birthday we had dinner at, yes, where else but greenhouse. 3rd year in a row! hahah
yummy oysters, & lotsa crabs! hawhaw. i love. thanks aloyson, captain in charge. lol

strawberry shortcake. my lovelies at ritz. just us three

took this when we went home to get juice. lol

we had a bbq at my place to celebrate my belated birthday and tori's upcoming 3rd birthday!
in attendance : family, alex, aaron, mich, jones + pris, gerard, aloyson, idah, vel...
did i miss anyone? thanks all of you for being there :)

lol sooo much food.. oh well... i felt kinda bad cos when alex took on all the cooking, he refused to eat... mummy was trying to "force feed" him but.. stubborn as a mule.
i think the kids like alex... when i went to get him tori came with me, and she ran all the way to the side gate... when she saw him i told her to say hello, she did, with the sweetest doll face ever... after which she refused to utter another word... see what he does to girls? even 3 year olds?!?? goodness. but the boys sure like hangin' around him and putting out his fire... not exactly a good thing but hey, kids will be kids aye?
photos photos!

i never knew mummy and daddy were so... well to put it simply, - "cool". cos after mass and dinner at peach garden they drove me to the station to pass alex his supper from BK. i told them i could go by myself but they insisted on driving me there. and waiting for me so we could go home cos it was late... they didn't want me wandering around alone.
so i got him french chicken. a favourite shared by both of us.
but i didn't even get to take a bite of it cos he had to go back in..
i had a terrible shock when i stood outside the gate and all 3 police officers stood up to stare. so i took off in the other direction to wait. now why does it sound as if i was creeping around?
i wasnt!
well, thanks mum and dad for being so OUTSPOKEN. goodness. i thought i was gonna die.
had to meet "fat guy" to carry out a "transaction"...
but thanks to alex's very "clever" guess, this fat guy wasn't even a guy to begin with...
hen i called, i was shocked to hear a girl's voice i couldnt stop laughing to myself i swear...
"HE" turned out to be a BUNG.
anyway anyway fast forward all that, the best time i had was the bbq! yes yes the 2nd bbq in 3 days... cos we didn't finish all the food on saturday, and alex didn't really get to enjoy the food... we decided to book a pit and finish all the food! hahah

i've always wanted to know how it feels to have a 2-people-only bbq, now i know!!!
thanks 'yang.. the night was AWESOME. Its HELL FUN i tell you. no disturbances, no kids around, no parents spying... cos my parents really don't bother spying. hahha they even prepared everything for us! nice huh! can your parents beat mine? i doubt. lol
i wanna do it again! :)
okay im gonna stop here for now before i fall asleep.
i'm gonna give you a heart attack.
scandalous thrills, spine-tingling chills, you're a mind-blowing pill.


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