Sunday, March 19, 2006

i wish they would just leave us alone.

event cancellation..
a trip to the sin seh..
a walk in lil india..
slackin in the studio..
and a 3rd saturday is over..
soon the weekend will be over too,
but what's the diff?
i still gotta go down to work soon..

i miss you baby,
when we're not together
time just stalls..
when will i see you again?

i have like 5 or 6 events next week..
and i'm so so dreading it already...
not becos it makes me tired..
but becos we won't haf much time together
and before you know it march will be over..
april will come and so will west side story..
then you'll go back to school
and i'll still be working..

i just wish it was may...


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