Tuesday, May 09, 2006

itsa a cold cold tuesday.
but everyday is a cold one,
when you're not here with me.
work's been boring.
took a cab this morning cos i didnt wanna be 5 mins late.
the damage?

an accident that could have killed me but didnt happen,
a arm that hurts,
a tripled heartbeat.

i feel like such a pig.
i had subway despite my very painful,
i dunnoe what u call it...
and i bought popiah also.
god.. pig pig pig.. oink?

supposed to go for the soft launch at clarke quay,
but my dear boss,
who asked if im done with my work
decided to take off without me.
i guess it's good too.
i get to watch L word in the office.
anyway i haf a meeting at 10am in the morning tmw,
i guess it's gonna be an early night.

talkin about the meeting,
i don't think i'm ready for what i'm gonna hear.
especially if i'm supposed to take over another portfolio.
did i say dis?
god its freakin me out like totally.
it'll be a miracle if i get any sleep at all... =(
good and bad.

baby wanted to come meet me today,
but i didnt want her to skip apel class..
she's been skippping school alot to meet me. not good!
wonder if she's still running up and down stairs..
i miss my baby so so muchhhh!

i feel like shopping..
but what's there to shop??
i'll just go walkwalk till baby's done with training...


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