Sunday, May 07, 2006

my boo. =)

it's the way she looks at me, the way she makes me smile and break out into a silly bout of laughter by doing acboslutely nothing.. and all the other things she does. thanks baby for the short "recital" we had at carrefour.. hahah it was sweeeet! =)

if only you could see the way she plays... in my eyes there's only one word to describe it. absolutely enchanting.

i wonder who she still loves?

anyway, i slept the whole day. woke up at 330pm? god.. i swear i had the worst nightmare ever. was telling baby and she was just laughing her ass off. =( shant think bout it anymore. it's a real disaster.. my whole body is aching, probably cos of bowling.. and at the same time my neck hurts like hell, too heaty i think. and my head's in such a mess.. it's been spinning since i got up.

gosh. i wish dis whole week would just zoom past. be over and done with!

vesak day, i can't wait. =)

yes baby,

i just hate sayin goodbye.

i want u by my side, always. iloveu


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