Friday, May 26, 2006

more baume & mercier launch photos...
if you realise its all behind the scenes.. hahah!

it was a hectic hectic day...
but as off today, 26th may 2006 friday...
i am off until monday!
and when i next go back to work i'll be 21...
oh god...
am i gonna be treated different?
will i be expected to grow up?
suddenly i don't want my birthday to come...
i spent over 200 bucks in the past couple of days...
thank god most of it is on company's expense...
if not i'll just die?
we're taking over green room from oriental today,
i hope everything goes fine..
i just love the menus that i did up...
the stands set us back more than 100 bucks please!!!
i want my petty cash!!!

anyway, baby has crashed!
she told me she'll brb...
she disappeared, and i didnt hear from her already.
hahah silly baby. she must be so tired..
she came to get me after her training...
and i was still stuck at work, reluctant to leave for fear i had forgotten something.
i even brought all of my work home!

i can't wait to go back to school la..
just the thought of it is so exciting..
but i can expect not to know many people...
i'd be glad to bump into just 5 familiar faces..
hopefully baby won't abandon me somewhere. hahah!

we're gonna watch the da vinci code after ccn..
yay! where? don't tell you.

did i mention? i cut my fringe in my sleep...
baby just can't stop laughing
she thinks its highly amusing that i can't even remember chopping off 4 cm of my fringe...

oh well.. shall catch some sleep right about now...
although im way too excited to sleep.
i'll try!
you complete my everyday.


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