Tuesday, October 31, 2006

good day,
bad day.
it's up to you...
last night,
or rather this morning when i went to bed @ 5am in the morning,
i told myself that today would be a great day.
seems like i need more focusing power..
cos i failed miserably.
had intentions to bring tori to school
cos she has to dress up as a lil princess,
but i was just too damn tired to get my ass outta bed,
even at 120pm.
last night was one of melodrama,
somehow i just feel so overwhelmed by this whole incident,
who'd have thought one lil act of goodwill would spin into a whole web of lies and deception?
i didn't.but that's just what it is.
and once its settled, i want nothing more to do with it.EVER.
please just go away..
and tmw better be a better day.
i hate the feeling of being neglected.
even if its just myself feeling that way.
make all this stop..
baby, if only you knew.


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