Thursday, June 07, 2007

remember the 7th;
of feelings so intense.
my sister and the kids came over for a, well... durian "party"
in the end i only had 2 seeds cos all the while i was stuck at the computer with bryan
ooh-ing and aah-ing over the lambos. now he likes the gallardo superleggera...
and benji was bombarding me with questions...
"where is alex now? ... why is he working so late? ... if i want to call him is it 999?"
now i think benji is aspiring to be a police officer just like him.
he's just so full of admiration.

i swear the kids are in love with him.

tori got shy and ran off when she heard his voice on the phone...
benji started whispering and giggling i don't know what the hell they talk about...
the only one who talked to him properly was bryan...

alex, what on earth did you do to my nephews and god daughter!
hahah, it's quite surprising, really.
the boys don't usually take to people they've only met once so well.

tori's 3... she's such a doll.
i love you sweetheart! yesyes godma loves you to bits :) you remember how it felt? cause i sure do..


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