Wednesday, March 22, 2006


work's been tiring,
but fun!
we've had quite a bit of food to eat,
but i want my flower crab bisque! =(

work today was helluva crazy..
almost 13 hours la...
had "supper" in the office with fab till like 1230..
until he approved my taxi claim..
hahah i was actually countin on hitchin a ride home
but i guess even now he's still glued to the pc.
no wonder he's not married at 29.

and erika is absolutely a bundle of joy la..
makes me laugh even when we're all so so busy.
to think that her brother is my friend of like.. 10 years?
how much smaller can the world get?

baby im missing u so so bad...
i cant wait to give u a big big hug!
i cant wait for you to carry me again..
probably when your knee is better... =)

today is IKEA DAY!!
well, after im done with my NEA stuff dat is...
baby i can't wait!!!
i feel like a kid again...



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