Monday, June 05, 2006

dis very day..

so much to blog about i don't even know where to start.
there's good; there's bad.
i guess i should just remember the good things..
since the bad only throws me further into depression.
and baby would kill me,
(if im not already dead)
if i ever tried to pull such a stunt again...
baby, im sorry..
i dunnoe what i was thinking...
i was so upset,
i just wanted to end all the pain.
im sorry...

today, i had the biggest surprise ever.
when i was walking towards northpoint,
i thought to myself..
that must have been the most unlucky day of my life..
and just as the day's incident was flashing through my head,
i felt a familiar grip around my waist.
familiar, but impossible i thought.
but there she was, smiling at me..
and i felt myself go weak.

silly baby, you should have used today to rest and study..
instead of waking up so early to send me to work.
but i loved the surprise,
and i needed it..
after 2 days down in the dumps..
i felt that much better,
my spirits were lifted that much higher..

we had lunch at pizza hut,
and it was greattt..
very filling, i didnt even need dinner.
and i had a pepsi bath.
'nuff said.. hahaha..
baby's an accident hazard!

went back to work,
(its really starting to get busy!)
and baby went home..
though she was supposed to meet lisa..
but i guess its good anyway,
at least for one day her parents would give her some peace.

even if i had to brave the fiercest storm,
even if i had to cross the widest sea,
even if i had to trot the driest dessert,
even if i had to climb the highest mountain,
i wouldn't be afraid..
cos baby i would do anything,
just to be with you.

just promise you'll never leave me alone in the dark...


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