Thursday, June 01, 2006

updates before i crash again.

tuesday - first day back after my 4 days leave.
started work at 930am.
doing what?
moving sofas from aria to the recital studio.
can u imagine 2 girls (jeslyn & me)
pushing sofas in the wee hours of the morning?
oh gawd. and i was wearing a dress and killer heels.
anyway the set up was pretty okae. the people from goldzone did pretty much everything else.
and the outcome was wayyyy cool.
definitely managed to wow their guests..
and the band that performed was awesome.
sally jo is really hottt stuff! =P

check them out!

anyway, the party crowd was crazy..
and although i had to do canape service,
the people loved me so i had fun too!
they're one crazy bunch!
of cos in every group there would be a couple of morons who try hitting on you...
but its all part of the game rite?
you entertain them, they have fun,
they give you more business.
more business, more revenue, more pay?
oh.. my pay has been increased to $1.7k..
ahhah.. if that's very much of a difference from $1.6k..
ah well.. back to the event, we had to do tear down until like 2am in the freaking morning... by the time i got home it was way past 2..
and i only got about 4 hours of sleeep.

wednesday - crazy set up day
the day wasnt too bad itself,
did pretty much all the paper work i had to clear,
but it was a screwed up day in general.
got pissed off countless times,
no prize for guessing who's the culprit.
DUH. thank god i had my sarah hoe fix today..
she came to the office..
then jes and i had to head to the foyer to look see look see..
wanted very much to have swensens,
but ended up at mac's instead...

i don't understand why i have to be everyone's NANNY.
its getting so damn fucking annoying.
can't things get done without me around? god.

wanted to take 857 hpme with baby but we missed the bus.
the next one that came was packed to the brim.
so i decided we should take the train instead!
baby had a tummy ache.. poor baby..
and i slept all the way, she didn't wake me up at amk!
i just love sleeping in your arms baby.
its the best place on earth to be. =)

930am to report later.
nac gala opening reception..
and im doing the vip zone.
hi nathan... again. sigh...
but i hear he might not attend.. hmmm..
i have my fingerss crossed.*grins*
im dreading the tear down already...

goodnight baby..
i love you... very very much..


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