Thursday, June 15, 2006

my baby's home!
she's been sleepin all day since she got home last night.
poor baby...
but im talking to her online now! =)
im still at work,
i have 2 events going on..
a wine dinner @ aria... only 27 people...
and a 25 pax dinner going on @ al dente..
(and they're having a presentation now, im bored to death.)
im still a lil sick,
but im fine...
a lil giddy..
but im okae!
yesterday baby came back,
when she called me..
i cried!!
the tears just came to my eyes when i heard the familiar voice calling
she came to my office,
straight from school.
despite the fact that her bag was so heavy and she was so so shagged.
so i decided to bring her for a feast at...
heh.. baby, hope you enjoyed your dinner although i know u just wanted to crash...
helped baby carry her bag...
she's so stubborn la!
baby im stronger than you!
i can carry 2 bags and climb stairs in heels!
wheeee! =P
BUT my leg abit pain pain...
but its OKAE! grins
its our anniversary tmw...
im so so happy!
hee... i love you biee!!!
dont ever leave me alone again!


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