Wednesday, October 11, 2006

if you expect me to be perfect,
i'll tell you i am not.
cos the fact is such, no one is.
i am one who refuses to live life hiding behind a mask of flawless perfection.
and while people may deem me as ideal,
tell me really, what is?
there's alot more to me than what you see,
but how many people actually see through me?
there's much more substance in a person than just a face..
oh yes, i appreciate life & what it has to offer alot more than what you think,
no, i don't look at what's on the surface;
i look way below it.
right down to the secrets that you try to conceal..
and there, lurking in the darkness in all sincerity and truth,
i'll find a soul that's bare, stripped naked of its facade and exposed.
why, we build walls just to conceal our imperfect lives..
why do we grow afraid of who we really are?
why do we shun our innerselves?
do you know yourself?
and because we build these walls,
nothing is ever clear...
what you see isn't always what you get...
& what you get, may not always be what you see...
can you accept what you do not see?

love me for me.


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