Tuesday, November 07, 2006

we walked the beach hand in hand,
we skimmed stones,
we talked,
we had fun...
we've had our moments...
just a month ago.
it's so surreal,
it seems like yesterday
that you told me you love me.
when i was still so safe in your arms.
what happened to all that?
i won't forget the way you made me feel...
your reactions to the lil things i did for you,
they bear no semblance to what you're projecting.
the dreams i have of you every night,
they're killing me inside.
just when will all the pain stop?
when will the hurt go away?
does breaking up bring with it the end of all things?
does every relationship that turns sour end in hate?
cos i'd never wish for that to happen.
i can only wish for the best for you...
in everything you do.
i'm still missin' you..


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