Monday, June 18, 2007

OH, hello

daddy bought me a webcam.
yes, and it was sitting there on the floor for days before i installed it cos i was way too busy.
i refuse to believe i just said that. sad but true.
i thought i'd be crazy hysterical and rip the box apart the minute i got home but no. i left it there for like 3 days before i even bothered to look at the box again.why jean why?

auntie yvonne has been here for over a week.
believe me, im flipping through my organiser concurrently trying to figure out what i've been so busy with the past week
the very day she arrived, we whisked her off from airport to wedding dinner. and no i'm not gonna post photos of me in that gown cos everyone thought i was the one getting married. have you ever seen a girl walking around the airport in a long satin gown? Shuutttt.up.

fast forward to the 11th of june.
i had hell lotsa fun with alex that day. tho i really only slept 3 hours before having to make my way down to city hall. wanted to run some business errands but somehow, we found ourselves in toys r us. honestly, i like that place alot. there's something about the atmosphere that just lets you lose yourself... and if you were there you'd see my point but i guess the photos we took just nail it.
and again, i'm not gonna post it here cos if he finds out. i'll probably get thrown into lockup.
and he finally got his ralph lauren specs. i spent like 3 days calling and emailing loads of people to find it. i would like to believe its the last piece (in singapore at least) the feeling of accomplishment. i so love challenges :)

this is random but i have finally given in to his constant "nagging" recently, and have finally picked a date for my basic theory test. alex, watch me. one day i will drive you and i will not scream and let go of the steering wheel before i crash, cos i won't crash!

okay back to the 13th.
we had lunch at macdonalds. and i was starving i swear i could eat a cow.
and well. subjected to stares aplently, god only knows why cos we never figure that out... we had lots and lots of food. seriously felt like a lazy sunday afternoon to me tho it was really midweek.
we were really supposed to go home and watch movies but i dunnoe what we ended up doing.
oh oh oh! he was enjoying the osim massage chair. and he's hooked.when my parents came home we were "watching" love actually. and thanks to my luck, my dad saw the fully uncensored scene in the show where they were filming some.. sex scene.. UGH.. oh well.

ordered pizza for dinnnnner! yummyumyummm.

anyway, day after we had lunch with my dad's eldest sister at the grassroots club in yck. she's really getting on in age... i guess everyone is. and it really scares me thinking about it. and then the day after that we had another party at my place... they catered. i didn't know half the people. i mean i know they're related to me somehow but i never spoke to them. didn't see the need to really. not that i'm anti-social or anti-family. somehow i just wasn't in a very chatty mood and spent the rest of the evening sitting on the swing. occassionally entertaining my 5th aunt's questions. oh well.

now my eldest sister, brother in law, and the 2 kids are down with food poisoning. i think imma be sick too at the rate i'm going... so im gonna hit the sack! lots to do in the morning... laters!

// because when the sun shines, we'll shine together. told you i'll be here forever, said i'll always be your friend; took an oath imma stick it out till the end. now that it's raining more than ever, know that we'll still have each other. you can stand under my umbrella; you can stand under my umbrella..


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