Saturday, June 24, 2006

happy confessions day baby!
its been 2 months
since we spilled the beans..
i've no regrets.
do you?

anyway, we had swensens for dinner. AGAIN!
we just had swensens like last week when sarah came back from ophir..
hahaha.. babis.. =P
she had her salmon baked rice,
i had my fish and chips...
which i had to complain about the first time cos it tasted funny.
so i got a new dish,
and a complimentary bowl of mushroom soup which wasn't nice at all.
thank god for my treasure island root beer float!!!
its heaven laaaa. *grins*

sarah hoe and my treasure island float.

hungry baby monkey...

"saya nak makan! tapi, tak suka ikan..busok!"

took the long bus ride home as usual
and i totally crashed!
hahah so tired.. its friday la... heh.

and then,
we went to get my heels fixed!
the heels were worn out,
so went to cobbler chong at yishun to get a replacement.
so fun rite bieee??
LOL.. thanks uncle chong... =)

shopping day ahead! wheeeeeeeeeeee!
love you baby!!! muackssssss


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