Sunday, June 18, 2006

updates updates!!!
yes jeanine's been too busy.
maybe i just haven't been in the blogging mood.

16th june 2006.
our first month anniversary...
so happpy!
had dinner with baby @ sticky rice...
she came to get me from work...
she was late so we were late!
= lesser time to spend together..
but its okae! its the quality, not the quantity.
right bieee? =)

we had so much so much food..
and baby bought me the cheesecake from bakers inn.
heh! its super duper yummilicious!
i love you baby!!!
hope you like your green vespa!
i drew a pink one already! *grins*
17th june 2006
went to plaza singapura for the 30hour street netball marathon..
went shopping in between,
the graffiti was great,the dancing kinda sucked.
i don't really wanna remember the rest of it.
18th june 2006
its father's day today!
daddy i wrote the letter already,
i just don't know when i should pass it to you...
had lunch at surf and turf,
my treat! the bill was like 90 bucks? insane...
went shopping!and i got my birthday watch...
wheeee bling bling.
i love my GUESS watch.. its simply gorgeous.. =)
be jealous, be very jealous...*grins*
and i bought my tigi stuff,
catwalk camera ready and shampoo...
guess what? it came with a free disposable camera...
cool shit la! camera whoreeee.
can someone please explain why im so excited over a disposable camera?
19th june 2006.130am to be precise.
im in such a bad bad mood right now..
just turned down an offer to shoot for Maxim.
like why the hell would i shoot for Maxim anyway?
suddenly i feel so dumb.


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