Saturday, July 29, 2006

my spanking new shoes from ALDO. =)

my new top from FOX.


31st august is my last day with Creative Eateries...

over the past week, i did my nails for the first time, and i ruined them already. there goes tinkerbell.

what an idiot. SIGH.

oh, and my package from china? they sent it back to china! singpost sucks! unreliable, no follow up, i demand an explanation! ugh!

i need to write in part 2 of my cockroach story to the straits times.. freaking 857 is the most unhygienic bus ever! yucks!


Thursday, July 27, 2006

Monday, July 24, 2006

over the weekend.
that has come & gone.
@ aria 22nd july 2006

the main man, fei xiang. =)

he's super duper freakin tall la? =(

Monday, July 17, 2006

the busiest sunday ever.
lunch with the family
mummy,daddy+2 cousins, 2 aunties, 2 uncles
shopping at raffles city.
down to toa payoh to visit my aunt,
dinner @ banquet.
walk around toa payoh
i dunnoe for what.
came back home.
whats with people saying
"jeanine's gettin prettier leh!"
wtf. whatever.
too lazy to blog. im gonna sleep.
fuck its MONDAY. hurr..
baybeats is OVERRRRR... =(

Friday, July 14, 2006

my very own advert! ya rite, i wish..but this will do for now! make sure u take a peek! & buy something while u're there!

went to ikea today.. and look what i got? a new pet cactus! okae.. so referring to a cactus as a pet sounds wrong, but who cares? hahah! let's see how long it'll last under my ignorance.. *gags*

i bought a new quilt set too! and kiddy bowls, and new boxes. (makes that loads of boxes) hey with my weekend designer creativity overflowing, my stuff needs more organising space! everything grows in proportion no?

2 more days before all hell breaks loose. im going back to work on monday.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

never been more sick in my whole life. i think.

been to the doc 3 times in less than a month. what the hell is wrong with me? i dunnoe also.
and i'd rather not know...

bleah. only going back to work on monday.. bet by then my workload would be near erupt, if not otherwise already erupted.

enjoy my little green friend yes..
at least someone's still smiling. =)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

mango splurge!!!
shopping sprees make me happy.
especially if im sick.

the oriental charmer...

Monday, July 10, 2006

our car-dealing monkey.
it just doesn't get any better than dis.
i love you. =)

Friday, July 07, 2006

randomness becomes her.

the little monster is back... =)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

yes!! the weekend designer is back!
finally, i've found the time to get the lil site up and running...
go see it now!
what you see is what you get.
if you like it, grab it,
or someone else just might.
and will!
loves. =)