Wednesday, July 04, 2007

i am amused.
very, very amused :)

okay so i abandoned the good old blog YET AGAIN.
i do apologise. oh well. lifestyles of the not-so-rich-nor-famous.makes sense? no? okay scrap that.

it's been busy busy busy last week of june, and there goes the first half of 2007.
eeks. welcome to july...

somehow the thought of it being mid-year scares me...

in a month i have to take my basic theory test, which i was "psycho-ed" into taking. thanks alex.

in 2 months we'll be watching men flying in the sky, screaming along and never being heard with the would also mark a year of me being, well, 6 months we'll be buying pressies and counting down to yet another new year.

WHY! time really flies when you're having fun huh? boo.

anyway! tho the last week of june was insanely busy, we had lotsa fun!

alex stayed over on friday, and we were up, pretty much annoying each other until 4 in the morning.
fyi, we had to wake up by 9 that morning. hahaha i bet he wiped out pretty much all the food i had left. maggie, my ice cream.. what else?

thinking about it, no one has turned off the lights for me at bedtime ever since... god knows when.
the feeling is so nostalgic! mummy used to turn off the lights for me when i was little...

but really, the way he flips my switch on and off continuously, i was really worried if the system would trip. hahaha! thank goodness it didn't.

in the morning i was banging and kicking his door but he continued sleeping like a logggg!mummy and i were frantically looking for the key, trying all means to open the door. then he suddenly woke up and unlocked it. hahah log! funny, i don't remember ever having to drag anyone out of bed like that. i didn't even have time to enjoy breakfast cos i was already so flustered about the event. and all he did in the cab on the way was nag at me about me leaving home late. hmpf...

anyway, i shall talk about the YEBBER.COM FASHION FUSION when i'm not so lazy cos i'm mad that i only got 2 "passable" photos of the event after my camera decided to die on me.


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