Saturday, February 17, 2007

and this is for his bag! haahaha... name-obsessed.

i'd rather spend more nights by the pool, than be out hitting the clubs.
so we suceeded revamping the laptop, and the materials probably won't come up to more than $1.
it just takes alot of patience, time, and creative skills! haahahaa! ( :

i love you baby,
and if it's quite alright..
i need you baby,
to warm a lonely night...

Friday, February 16, 2007

have you ever heard of FLIPPIN' BANANAS?
oh yes, while alex and i were walking towards the woodlands interchange,
mr fruit seller was yelling
we both had a serious laughing fit.
then it got worse when i realised,
alex didn't know he really meant PHILLIPINE BANANAS all along.
that silly. hahahahaa
you never fail to put a smile on my face even after the most tiring days... ( :

anyway, pasta mania needs serious help. their staff are all KIDS.
and, i had a strand of hair in my pasta!!! when i was almost done with it..
and despite our speculations about which part of the body the hair came from,
(i hope its the head and nowhere else.)
our conclusion is still this.
any hair in your food is never good.

anyway spent the afternoon at bras basah,
just getting his vinyl stickers for the laptop makeover!
i spent one hour in the shop?
and end up spending $5. ONLY.
i really didn't know i was in there THAT LONG.
too busy yakking away. lol.. i hope i didn't annoy the shop uncle. LOL
oh well, its the 3 "supers" chinese new year concert in the morning.

so i should really really sleep! ugh 5 hours of sleep.
laptop makeover!
i can't wait!!!
( :

// push the button.

Monday, February 12, 2007

do the (RED) thing.

do your part, help fight aids in africa. ( :

okay, so on saturday i finally gave in to the very tempting sight of NEW YORK NEW YORK. located along citylink, it's always bustling with the hungry crowd. and hungry we were...

aaron: "the wings don't taste like those back in Buffalo. at all..."
and the mushroom cappucino was pretty bland, thank god my pumpkin soup was satisfactory.
main courses, my choice of bratswurts was superb! but, again... aaron's choice of the beef steak was a total flop.. it didn't even carry a hint of the grilled flavour, and it was comparable to flavoured rubber, just chewy..

maybe we should have just gone to TCC huh?

Friday, February 09, 2007

ps: this is a 3-week old lappie.
but it's been taken very good care of!
(plus it's NORTON-protected!)
please leave a comment below for more details!!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

ohkay, so i've been meaning to blog. (really!)
BUT i haven't had the time (as if)
or the mood (just plain lazy.)
sooooo.. oh well, we just got MIO installed this morning, or afternoon rather.
the time fixed was 9am, soo i had to sacrifice sleep and wake up..
but lo and behold, they only arrived at 12noon. bummer...
well i spent the time waiting for them watching ADRIFT.
i mean... thank you...
imma watch it again later. hahah...
that's just me, i like watching movies over and over again, and if the plot hits the soft spot, i'll cry over and over again. SHUT UP.
its not a crime to be emo..
right, so we're tryna figure out how much it costs to eat at seoul garden...
any life savers? (actually i could just call, but then again the price doesn't really bother me! hhaha)
talking about food, i smell swedish meatballs for dinner since the folks are at ikea...
and! in anticipation of the not so figure flattering food coming my way, ive been prancing around the house, popping and shaking with the music blasting through the roof.
and it definitely feels satisfying.
number 1, i get a work out, especially abs hand ass!
number 2, i can skip gym.. hahaha okay i sound lazy..
anyways, on the other hand, still on the topic of fitness, YOGA CLASS with my darling sister starting in march... wish me luck please.. i hope i don't suffer any broken bones from such extreme poses. i'm actually pretty psyched tho! we need to go get mats!!
the damage = $55 straight up. and bye bye friday nights..
it better be good!
so i did 4 seminars with my sister in the past 2 weeks.
attending seminars, and getting paid isn't bad at all?
hahah, i had a hell lotta fun, especially with steph's friends...
well on one occasion we went out to buy coffee with john and i was short of 5cm from getting hit by a red car. right....
this is an abrupt end. hahah... laters...