Thursday, April 12, 2007

you ought to be really honored that i'm dedicating a whole post to you.
you need attention? HERE YOU GO.
bask in it.

original comment:
Why are you crapping on and on in your rubbish posts (as usual)
and why do you want real answers when
1stly: You are FAR FROM HOT
2ndly : You spend your days wasting about like a worthless being and
Lastly: you do nothing but pretend you'r someone you try to be but is obviously flaking it all.
Come ON. I know you too well. We all do. So quit it already, biatch.
Friends of Angeline. 04.11.07 - 1:51 pm #

what makes you think, for a second that i give a damn what you think?
and seriously, FORGIVE ME FOR BEING MEAN, shouldn't you brush up on your language?
FLAKING? oh, i'm sorry. did you mean FAKING?

let me first clue you in. you are not obliged to read my blog and my what you call - RUBBISH POST. hey, my blog isn't "PAID TO READ" friendly you know, so why do you still read it if it causes you such displeasure? you should really put your own life under the microscope and then decide who's the pot calling the kettle black.
  • FIRSTLY, under no circumstances did i claim to be hot. YOU ASSUMED that i was talking about me. did i not state a general disclaimer, and that nothing in that post should be taken personally? Well, i'm sorry if your language is so bad that you can't comprehend.
  • SECONDLY, how would you know what i spend my days doing unless you're spying on 24/7. and if so, do i matter so much (to you for you to CARE) that such action is necessary?


  • LASTLY, if i'm pretending, then please do fill me in on who (you think) i really am. cos as far as i know, you're the one pretending. come on, FRIENDS OF ANGELINE, what a name to call yourself. how about dropping "friends of" and just calling yourself ANGELINE? at least i don't hide behind "nicknames". i say what i want to say and i'm not afraid of being criticised. fyi, there's a term called FREEDOM OF SPEECH, you should go look it up and fathom it.


if you did, you'd probably have to be my best friend. which you are obviously, NOT. and you're far from it. so quit thinking you've got me all figured out. and don't use third persons on me, do you really need the social "backing" to attack me? if you really want to be a bitch, step up and say it to my face. hiding behind angry words and a computer screen doesn't make you anyone's HERO. and if you really insist on finding constant faults with the things i say and do, find more concrete things to pick on... stop wasting YOUR TIME, posting bottomless comments and making a big fool out of yourself. what happened to SELF WORTH? you're the one who seriously needs help.

"Many of us carry secrets, hiding the truth about ourselves out of fear or shame. What a weight this is to carry through our daily activities? Why should we create a burden to carry as we climb our personal mountains?
Choose to be transparent, honest and integral to everyone you contact; not to say that you share your personal difficulties or expound on your problems, but to give yourself permission to be yourself without having to create a façade for the sake of others. Don't allow your character to be caught in the spotlight only through hard work, carry a true, honest and transparent character into each task and you will witness your resolve strengthen, your relationships improve and your obstacles weaken. Only through a true transparency of self can you improve your worth and esteem."

"Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth." -Aesop

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

unlike you, i don't hide behind a facade or so you think. i live my life to the max and nothing you say is gonna change it. really, go sort your own life out. you confused person.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

no matter what you do, they're never really satisfied are they?
but before i go on, here's a disclaimer.

this post is relating to men in GENERAL. don't take it personally, and i'm not passing a typical stereotype on men, i'd like to believe there are some who have not been bitten by the bug.
this is just me thinking out loud, GUYS, i want real answers.

on the show DOWN TO EARTH, Lance said,
"a woman could fall in love with an ugly man and be cool about it. he may not be all that good-looking, but he's good TO ME. but then a guy wouldn't claim an ugly girl as his girlfriend."

  • male ego? (having a hot chic in your arm couldn't hurt right?)
  • male hormones? (always boiling)
  • raging sexual desires? ('nuff said.)
    check ALL of the above.

so, they want a hot girlfriend. they want to be envied by their buds, and be "hollywood's hottest couple" ?BUT, they get frustrated/insecure when her photos are spread all over the magazines and every other guy is lusting over her. get over it hun, she IS your girlfriend? trust issues darling?

OKAY, so hot girls naturally get all the attention, guys crave them on a sexual level.. WHY? cos hot girls drive their raging hormones through the roof, and which male doesn't appreciate eye candy?
Here's the catch, if every guy wants to be a girl's FIRST, just how many in the world are left untouched if thats the ultimate destination in the male mind? they all want it, they all go for it, but at the end of the day,

VIRGINITY CANNOT BE RECYCLED. so you can't blame her for being "cheap", or say she "sleeps around", if well, her ex-boyfriend was just the way you are.
Whatever happened to the old traditions? LOST. the excuse? We're living in the 21st century.

perhaps they need to get their game straight before jumping straight into play.

Think about it... to be continued... hopefully i get some insightful responses.