Tuesday, December 26, 2006

christmas eve.
town with evan...
ahhh... i simply cannot believe it has been 3 years.
time really flies..
and presenting us,

3 years later.

and look what i found at wheelock?!
PATRICK STAR! ohh i've always been a fan of you,

you.. pink starfish. ( :

and it costs $69.90. omfg. LIKE WHY??

christmas day.
the typical mass in the morning... we had lunch at swensens... haha yummm..
and then we had to do some last minute grocery shopping before heading home to prepare for the dinner "party"
i don't think i wanna be cutting fruits and veggies for awhile. haha!

she never fails to put a smile on everyone's face. ( :

merry christmas ya'll... spend it with the ones you love.


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