Sunday, January 07, 2007

a week into 2007.
and i'm so so tired.
mentally, physically, emotionally DRAINED.
been gyming alot lately.
but its good. ( :
believe it or not, i spent nye at home. with mummy and daddy!
honestly i don't see why there's so much going on,
its just another year to get through..
ha. right i'll quit being saddistic.
get outta the party mood already.
get back to life LAH!

been workin on the twd guy's collection...
its shaping up alright.
so far so good but don't rush me...
good things, must wait.
be patient with me please,
i think i'm in the midst of a tour of emotional hell.
( :
why issit so f.hard to just tell me straight in the face. huh huh huh?
guys and they're ego-crap. UGH.
never fails to annoy me...
but then again, you know i love you. hahah...
[ when love & hate collide. ]
well, not really anyways. haha.
oh oh oh!
bottle tree park is unofficially OPEN.
or so i think.
fyi : its in yishun. okay. drop by.
can you see meeeeee... god the tree is f. HUGE.
would someone build me a treehouse...?
and sleep in?
pardon the goofiness. tryna keep myself sane.
bye. enjoy the week...


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