Tuesday, September 11, 2007

just cut it out

bite your tongue and hold it
the jokes are getting cold and i'm running short of reason
so get down off your soap box just for now.

and quit your moaning.
things you say don't mean a thing.
you're running like a nose bleed.
quit breathing down my neck.
just cut it out.you hurt but you don't know it.
you break but you don't show it.
and everyday you blow it.
so get down off your horse just for now.

cos i'm not listening.
the things you say don't mean a thingjust duck and run for cover
you think you hold the world between your hands.

you're always bringing me down - step back; don't push me around
you're always bringing me down - step back, you don't know anything.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

i am amused.
very, very amused :)

okay so i abandoned the good old blog YET AGAIN.
i do apologise. oh well. lifestyles of the not-so-rich-nor-famous.makes sense? no? okay scrap that.

it's been busy busy busy last week of june, and there goes the first half of 2007.
eeks. welcome to july...

somehow the thought of it being mid-year scares me...

in a month i have to take my basic theory test, which i was "psycho-ed" into taking. thanks alex.

in 2 months we'll be watching men flying in the sky, screaming along and never being heard with the fireworks.it would also mark a year of me being, well, SELF-EMPLOYED.in 6 months we'll be buying pressies and counting down to yet another new year.

WHY! time really flies when you're having fun huh? boo.

anyway! tho the last week of june was insanely busy, we had lotsa fun!

alex stayed over on friday, and we were up, pretty much annoying each other until 4 in the morning.
fyi, we had to wake up by 9 that morning. hahaha i bet he wiped out pretty much all the food i had left. maggie, my ice cream.. what else?

thinking about it, no one has turned off the lights for me at bedtime ever since... god knows when.
the feeling is so nostalgic! mummy used to turn off the lights for me when i was little...

but really, the way he flips my switch on and off continuously, i was really worried if the system would trip. hahaha! thank goodness it didn't.

in the morning i was banging and kicking his door but he continued sleeping like a logggg!mummy and i were frantically looking for the key, trying all means to open the door. then he suddenly woke up and unlocked it. hahah log! funny, i don't remember ever having to drag anyone out of bed like that. i didn't even have time to enjoy breakfast cos i was already so flustered about the event. and all he did in the cab on the way was nag at me about me leaving home late. hmpf...

anyway, i shall talk about the YEBBER.COM FASHION FUSION when i'm not so lazy cos i'm mad that i only got 2 "passable" photos of the event after my camera decided to die on me.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

if words are free,
should i never listen but instead see?
of all the words that have left your mouth
and chased your lips,
which ones should i believe?
pray tell me please.
it's a constant struggle, between love and hate.
the two extremes collide, and turn bright day into dark night.

The Price of Integrity
Few things have as much effect on our lives, our interactions with others, our own effect on the world, as our integrity. This virtue pervades our every action, colors us in others' eyes and is fundamental to our perspective of the world and the self. Integrity could be defined as the necessity of our ideas and actions to the greater good, but this would do the virtue little justice.

Our integrity is a culmination of our past deeds and future aspirations, defining our current character. It is a trait that cannot be 'put on' nor 'taken away'. Adopting the importance of your integrity will change every aspect of our lives, but only when we recognize the method by which we create its value. We must be willing to sacrifice everything to maintain our integrity, every personal gain, material good or individual motive for the sake and cause of our necessary role in the bigger picture. A heart cannot fail for the sake of all other organs in the body, regardless of its own weaknesses. Those weaknesses become the weaknesses of the body. We must serve our higher ideals with a non-negotiable commitment to maintain our integrity through every loss and hardship, holding our heads high and our dreams higher.

"No man can purchase his virtue too dear, for it is the only thing whose value must ever increase with the price it has cost us. Our integrity is never worth so much as when we have parted with our all to keep it."

-Charles Caleb Cotton

Monday, June 18, 2007

OH, hello

daddy bought me a webcam.
yes, and it was sitting there on the floor for days before i installed it cos i was way too busy.
i refuse to believe i just said that. sad but true.
i thought i'd be crazy hysterical and rip the box apart the minute i got home but no. i left it there for like 3 days before i even bothered to look at the box again.why jean why?

auntie yvonne has been here for over a week.
believe me, im flipping through my organiser concurrently trying to figure out what i've been so busy with the past week
the very day she arrived, we whisked her off from airport to wedding dinner. and no i'm not gonna post photos of me in that gown cos everyone thought i was the one getting married. have you ever seen a girl walking around the airport in a long satin gown? Shuutttt.up.

fast forward to the 11th of june.
i had hell lotsa fun with alex that day. tho i really only slept 3 hours before having to make my way down to city hall. wanted to run some business errands but somehow, we found ourselves in toys r us. honestly, i like that place alot. there's something about the atmosphere that just lets you lose yourself... and if you were there you'd see my point but i guess the photos we took just nail it.
and again, i'm not gonna post it here cos if he finds out. i'll probably get thrown into lockup.
and he finally got his ralph lauren specs. i spent like 3 days calling and emailing loads of people to find it. i would like to believe its the last piece (in singapore at least) the feeling of accomplishment. i so love challenges :)

this is random but i have finally given in to his constant "nagging" recently, and have finally picked a date for my basic theory test. alex, watch me. one day i will drive you and i will not scream and let go of the steering wheel before i crash, cos i won't crash!

okay back to the 13th.
we had lunch at macdonalds. and i was starving i swear i could eat a cow.
and well. subjected to stares aplently, god only knows why cos we never figure that out... we had lots and lots of food. seriously felt like a lazy sunday afternoon to me tho it was really midweek.
we were really supposed to go home and watch movies but i dunnoe what we ended up doing.
oh oh oh! he was enjoying the osim massage chair. and he's hooked.when my parents came home we were "watching" love actually. and thanks to my luck, my dad saw the fully uncensored scene in the show where they were filming some.. sex scene.. UGH.. oh well.

ordered pizza for dinnnnner! yummyumyummm.

anyway, day after we had lunch with my dad's eldest sister at the grassroots club in yck. she's really getting on in age... i guess everyone is. and it really scares me thinking about it. and then the day after that we had another party at my place... they catered. i didn't know half the people. i mean i know they're related to me somehow but i never spoke to them. didn't see the need to really. not that i'm anti-social or anti-family. somehow i just wasn't in a very chatty mood and spent the rest of the evening sitting on the swing. occassionally entertaining my 5th aunt's questions. oh well.

now my eldest sister, brother in law, and the 2 kids are down with food poisoning. i think imma be sick too at the rate i'm going... so im gonna hit the sack! lots to do in the morning... laters!

// because when the sun shines, we'll shine together. told you i'll be here forever, said i'll always be your friend; took an oath imma stick it out till the end. now that it's raining more than ever, know that we'll still have each other. you can stand under my umbrella; you can stand under my umbrella..

Thursday, June 07, 2007

remember the 7th;
of feelings so intense.
my sister and the kids came over for a, well... durian "party"
in the end i only had 2 seeds cos all the while i was stuck at the computer with bryan
ooh-ing and aah-ing over the lambos. now he likes the gallardo superleggera...
and benji was bombarding me with questions...
"where is alex now? ... why is he working so late? ... if i want to call him is it 999?"
now i think benji is aspiring to be a police officer just like him.
he's just so full of admiration.

i swear the kids are in love with him.

tori got shy and ran off when she heard his voice on the phone...
benji started whispering and giggling i don't know what the hell they talk about...
the only one who talked to him properly was bryan...

alex, what on earth did you do to my nephews and god daughter!
hahah, it's quite surprising, really.
the boys don't usually take to people they've only met once so well.

tori's 3... she's such a doll.
i love you sweetheart! yesyes godma loves you to bits :)

...do you remember how it felt? cause i sure do..

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

bangs or no bangs? jeanine is 22.
it's been the most exhausting, yet enjoyable week ever. really.
probably the most birthday celebrations over a span of 9 days...
i don't even know where to start!
we had a bbq at aloha loyang, for vel's 21st birthday.
happy happy birthday sweetie! was great; old friends, catching up. ah those old days at ritz..
gonna skip the photos for now. WAY TOO MANY!
on my birthday we had dinner at, yes, where else but greenhouse. 3rd year in a row! hahah
yummy oysters, & lotsa crabs! hawhaw. i love. thanks aloyson, captain in charge. lol

strawberry shortcake. my lovelies at ritz. just us three

took this when we went home to get juice. lol

we had a bbq at my place to celebrate my belated birthday and tori's upcoming 3rd birthday!
in attendance : family, alex, aaron, mich, jones + pris, gerard, aloyson, idah, vel...
did i miss anyone? thanks all of you for being there :)

lol sooo much food.. oh well... i felt kinda bad cos when alex took on all the cooking, he refused to eat... mummy was trying to "force feed" him but.. stubborn as a mule.
i think the kids like alex... when i went to get him tori came with me, and she ran all the way to the side gate... when she saw him i told her to say hello, she did, with the sweetest doll face ever... after which she refused to utter another word... see what he does to girls? even 3 year olds?!?? goodness. but the boys sure like hangin' around him and putting out his fire... not exactly a good thing but hey, kids will be kids aye?
photos photos!

i never knew mummy and daddy were so... well to put it simply, - "cool". cos after mass and dinner at peach garden they drove me to the station to pass alex his supper from BK. i told them i could go by myself but they insisted on driving me there. and waiting for me so we could go home cos it was late... they didn't want me wandering around alone.
so i got him french chicken. a favourite shared by both of us.
but i didn't even get to take a bite of it cos he had to go back in..
i had a terrible shock when i stood outside the gate and all 3 police officers stood up to stare. so i took off in the other direction to wait. now why does it sound as if i was creeping around?
i wasnt!
well, thanks mum and dad for being so OUTSPOKEN. goodness. i thought i was gonna die.
had to meet "fat guy" to carry out a "transaction"...
but thanks to alex's very "clever" guess, this fat guy wasn't even a guy to begin with...
hen i called, i was shocked to hear a girl's voice i couldnt stop laughing to myself i swear...
"HE" turned out to be a BUNG.
anyway anyway fast forward all that, the best time i had was the bbq! yes yes the 2nd bbq in 3 days... cos we didn't finish all the food on saturday, and alex didn't really get to enjoy the food... we decided to book a pit and finish all the food! hahah

i've always wanted to know how it feels to have a 2-people-only bbq, now i know!!!
thanks 'yang.. the night was AWESOME. Its HELL FUN i tell you. no disturbances, no kids around, no parents spying... cos my parents really don't bother spying. hahha they even prepared everything for us! nice huh! can your parents beat mine? i doubt. lol
i wanna do it again! :)
okay im gonna stop here for now before i fall asleep.
i'm gonna give you a heart attack.
scandalous thrills, spine-tingling chills, you're a mind-blowing pill.

Friday, May 18, 2007


cos jeanine has been drowning in getting the new website up and running by her 22nd birthday.

22 in 10.

1.2.3. here we go.

"surprise" dinner @ BOTAK JONES + supper @ maestro bistro cine.

trust alex to always "surprise" me. indeed. when we go out its always like an excursion to me.. then i start realising there are so many places in singapore i havent been to. and start feeling like a SUAKU. but eh, at least i'm still learning right!

the food there is insane. the environment, is.. well FLY-INFESTED. felt like i was being fed to flies.. someone call the pest busters please! anyway tuas is like super isolated... i'd never go there on my own.. but i always enjoy the thrill of venturing into unknown places. chey. hahah

then fast forward... we had supper at maestro bistro. after walking around orchard aimlessly for almost an hour. or more? orchard is so so dead on weeknights. BORING. but we were undoubtably HIGH ON AIR. damn hilarious...


the first one we saw at botak jones at tuas. i saw something black run by in the corner of my eye, but not knowing what it was, i just passed it off as a very big bird or cat... but the next moment he gets a shock. HAHAHA RAT!!! eeewwww rats in food places, very bad. MOH??

next rat sighting, outside somerset mrt. i so so swear, RATS ARE HIGHLY DANGEROUS. might cause me a heart attack one day.. it ran across the path right in front of me, and left me screaming and running like some lunatic that fleed from captivity. as if that wasn't bad enough, he screamed to and pushed me even closer to the rat! thanks ah ka ceng!

so he says, "nothing, and no one is more important than life itself. this applies to real life situations, if there's a car heading towards me, i will push you towards the car and let it knock you first." YAY?

all in all, it was balls of fun! my much needed break from working on the site... felt so much more relaxed spending the day out... ahhh i should do that more often huh!


this was like 3 weeks ago at my place.
this is serious back-blogging! hahah
you know, i'm really really starting to hate making those brown envelopes that i send my items out in... soooo time consuming, i was told. yes i realise. blame me for always wanting to achieve the "personal touch" effect.
actually, we didn't finish the job either... why ah? lol
but i just got it all done earlier today.. phew
anyway, that day i realised doing the dishes isn't all that bad...when you've got someone fighting with you to do the dishes. not everyday people offer to help do dishes? hahaha it might just become my new hobby.. and that was the first time in my life i ate so much FISH MAW.

mummy told alex it's like FISH STOMACH, should have caught his face on camera..
go figure :)
anyway, i missed yoga today. i overslept...
but when daddy woke me up at 9, i swear my head felt like it was gonna split into two.
so... there goes my last yoga class. sigh...
back to work now.
laters! maybe, or in another month hahahaha! :)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

screwed up blogger.
okay so its been absolute AGES since i last blogged.
why? too busy. yayaya excuses i know but blogger is really screwed up too. i'lll probably abandon this blog soon. haha. well HAPPPY MOTHERS' DAY!

i need to bitch. and i just lost the mood to blog. bye

Thursday, April 12, 2007

you ought to be really honored that i'm dedicating a whole post to you.
you need attention? HERE YOU GO.
bask in it.

original comment:
Why are you crapping on and on in your rubbish posts (as usual)
and why do you want real answers when
1stly: You are FAR FROM HOT
2ndly : You spend your days wasting about like a worthless being and
Lastly: you do nothing but pretend you'r someone you try to be but is obviously flaking it all.
Come ON. I know you too well. We all do. So quit it already, biatch.
Friends of Angeline. 04.11.07 - 1:51 pm #

what makes you think, for a second that i give a damn what you think?
and seriously, FORGIVE ME FOR BEING MEAN, shouldn't you brush up on your language?
FLAKING? oh, i'm sorry. did you mean FAKING?

let me first clue you in. you are not obliged to read my blog and my what you call - RUBBISH POST. hey, my blog isn't "PAID TO READ" friendly you know, so why do you still read it if it causes you such displeasure? you should really put your own life under the microscope and then decide who's the pot calling the kettle black.
  • FIRSTLY, under no circumstances did i claim to be hot. YOU ASSUMED that i was talking about me. did i not state a general disclaimer, and that nothing in that post should be taken personally? Well, i'm sorry if your language is so bad that you can't comprehend.
  • SECONDLY, how would you know what i spend my days doing unless you're spying on 24/7. and if so, do i matter so much (to you for you to CARE) that such action is necessary?


  • LASTLY, if i'm pretending, then please do fill me in on who (you think) i really am. cos as far as i know, you're the one pretending. come on, FRIENDS OF ANGELINE, what a name to call yourself. how about dropping "friends of" and just calling yourself ANGELINE? at least i don't hide behind "nicknames". i say what i want to say and i'm not afraid of being criticised. fyi, there's a term called FREEDOM OF SPEECH, you should go look it up and fathom it.


if you did, you'd probably have to be my best friend. which you are obviously, NOT. and you're far from it. so quit thinking you've got me all figured out. and don't use third persons on me, do you really need the social "backing" to attack me? if you really want to be a bitch, step up and say it to my face. hiding behind angry words and a computer screen doesn't make you anyone's HERO. and if you really insist on finding constant faults with the things i say and do, find more concrete things to pick on... stop wasting YOUR TIME, posting bottomless comments and making a big fool out of yourself. what happened to SELF WORTH? you're the one who seriously needs help.

"Many of us carry secrets, hiding the truth about ourselves out of fear or shame. What a weight this is to carry through our daily activities? Why should we create a burden to carry as we climb our personal mountains?
Choose to be transparent, honest and integral to everyone you contact; not to say that you share your personal difficulties or expound on your problems, but to give yourself permission to be yourself without having to create a façade for the sake of others. Don't allow your character to be caught in the spotlight only through hard work, carry a true, honest and transparent character into each task and you will witness your resolve strengthen, your relationships improve and your obstacles weaken. Only through a true transparency of self can you improve your worth and esteem."

"Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth." -Aesop

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

unlike you, i don't hide behind a facade or so you think. i live my life to the max and nothing you say is gonna change it. really, go sort your own life out. you confused person.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

no matter what you do, they're never really satisfied are they?
but before i go on, here's a disclaimer.

this post is relating to men in GENERAL. don't take it personally, and i'm not passing a typical stereotype on men, i'd like to believe there are some who have not been bitten by the bug.
this is just me thinking out loud, GUYS, i want real answers.

on the show DOWN TO EARTH, Lance said,
"a woman could fall in love with an ugly man and be cool about it. he may not be all that good-looking, but he's good TO ME. but then a guy wouldn't claim an ugly girl as his girlfriend."

  • male ego? (having a hot chic in your arm couldn't hurt right?)
  • male hormones? (always boiling)
  • raging sexual desires? ('nuff said.)
    check ALL of the above.

so, they want a hot girlfriend. they want to be envied by their buds, and be "hollywood's hottest couple" ?BUT, they get frustrated/insecure when her photos are spread all over the magazines and every other guy is lusting over her. get over it hun, she IS your girlfriend? trust issues darling?

OKAY, so hot girls naturally get all the attention, guys crave them on a sexual level.. WHY? cos hot girls drive their raging hormones through the roof, and which male doesn't appreciate eye candy?
Here's the catch, if every guy wants to be a girl's FIRST, just how many in the world are left untouched if thats the ultimate destination in the male mind? they all want it, they all go for it, but at the end of the day,

VIRGINITY CANNOT BE RECYCLED. so you can't blame her for being "cheap", or say she "sleeps around", if well, her ex-boyfriend was just the way you are.
Whatever happened to the old traditions? LOST. the excuse? We're living in the 21st century.

perhaps they need to get their game straight before jumping straight into play.

Think about it... to be continued... hopefully i get some insightful responses.

Friday, March 23, 2007

my doodles of sharky : )

sharky the wonderdog!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Saturday, March 17, 2007

next time a guy asks for a few minutes to get something done, be suspicious. especially if it's IAN. hahaha.. i haven't gotten something like that in ages. the element of sudden surprises. but i guess it served its purpose well indeed.. the kid is soo adorable! hahah instant sunshine. thanks ian, and honestly, good question. i still don't know why i told you all that.. crap.

merci beaucoup Monsieur Somerhelder. (=

so i wanted to go to takashimaya to look for my yoga mat today cos alex couldn't find it yesterday.. but i was feeling so sick that i stayed home all day. and that $20 voucher is just staring at me.. well, it better not be sean's germs travelling all the way here from freezing winnipeg. i've already caught some of his grumpy vibes.. BUT! we are so gonna raid queensway when he's back i swear.. SHOPPAHOLICS EXTRAORDINAIRE.

[ you think i'm an idiot to not know how hard you try to protect me, but really - I DO. ]

Friday, March 16, 2007

its friday.
im not excited.
its friday, im at home.
jeanine's tired,
jeanine's sleepy.
and jeanine is f. confused.
im not getting any of this.
i think im just confusing myself. RAHHH.
i need to go shoooopppppinnnnnnggggg!
funny how i don't know how to spend money when it falls into my lap..
bite me (=

Thursday, March 15, 2007

random ME

- total HAWTness -
[grad night fashion show. university of winnipeg]
yeeeeeaaaaa baby i love that suit! its H-A-W-T!
hey seany.. whossad girl?
suited up or not, you'd still dazzle the crowds.
and i still think you look so high.
hurry get your ass back from winnipeg! hurry hurry!
Just slightly over 2 months to our BIRTHDAYS!

go see my new designs! YAY! (:

Your answers suggest you are an Idealist

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:
1. Spontaneous
2. Ideas
3. Heart
4. Introvert

Summary of Idealists
Make sense of the world using inner values
Focus on personal growth and the growth of others
Think of themselves as bright, forgiving and curious
May sometimes appear stubborn
More about Idealists
Idealists put time and energy into developing personal values that they use as a guide through life. They may seek fulfilment by helping others improve themselves and often want to make the world a better place. Idealists only share their inner values with people they respect.
Idealists are the most likely group to say they are vegetarian, according to a UK survey.
Idealists enjoy discussions about a wide range of topics, particularly those that deal with the future. They are typically easy-going and flexible, but if their values are challenged they may refuse to compromise. In situations where they can’t use their talents or are unappreciated, Idealists may have trouble expressing themselves and withdraw. Under extreme stress, Idealists may become very critical of others, or lose confidence in their own ability to cope. Recognition for their work is important to Idealists; however, they are also good at spotting false praise.
Idealist Careers
Idealists are often drawn to jobs where they can help people reach their potential. They are also attracted to careers that allow artistic creativity. It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

i wish...
i wish i could tell you just how i feel,

and how i never got over us.
i wish you would hold me forever,
and never let me go.
i wish we could be in a world of our own.
i wish i didn't have to lie to you...
about being happy everyday.
i wish you knew what happens when night falls,
and you're nowhere in my reach.
i wish you knew how you make my heart sing.
yet now the lyrics to the song so distant to me.

you're a mystery i cannot solve...
there's something about you i just can't resist.
a force so strong it keeps pulling me back,
everytime i turn my back and walk away..
there's this voice inside,
and it's telling me i gotta stay...

darling i only wish, you knew what i was going through...

why does life have to be so complex?
why can't i just be a normal girl, with a normal life...
i just need someone to love.
someone who loves me too.
simply put, yet its meaning so profound.
i want simple things,
and yet...its the simple things that i can't have...

i wish i could tell you...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

okay! so i haven't blogged since BEFORE CNY.
and now its over... hahaha. yikes time really flies huh?
been talking to my cousin alot lately... hahaha! he and his once a year appearances. like some super star... if you miss it, WAIT FOR THE NEXT YEAR! lol
clarus clarus, you're really one heck of a cousin. and so so so much like me in terms of characteristics! its FREAKY!
the only probable difference between us is age and gender. (:

now a few days ago,
i received a rather disturbing comment...

you know hu () wrote the following:http://www.haloscan.com/comments/boinksta/7677457651219884476/
for once, even i'll have to say that you suck big time, youdisgusting bitch.

WHATSUP!!?? really now, if you wanna leave such comments and expect me to know who you are. im sorry. i don't make enemies. and you're just being a wuss hiding behind dumb nicknames. if you really have issues with me, SAY IT TO MY FACE. or else, just hold your peace and be jealous for who knows what god forsaken reasons. gosh... GET A LIFE. i don't need critics in mine thank you very much. and if you still insist on the need to, at least get your information from reliable sources and not some paparrazzi headline generator. you'll only humiliate yourself with dumb "facts".

now thats done... here's something random..
presenting, the men of today and their...
Hello Miss Jeanine,
ok I look at you and what do I see?
A nice and really pretty little woman.
I think that you must have a lot of boyfriends,
through myspace and also in the real life.
I wish you find the good one.
May be me? Why not?
But I am so far (in the distance) from you.
I live in Paris and you in Singapore.
But maybe one day... we can meet.
See you,
best regards, C.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

and this is for his bag! haahaha... name-obsessed.

i'd rather spend more nights by the pool, than be out hitting the clubs.
so we suceeded revamping the laptop, and the materials probably won't come up to more than $1.
it just takes alot of patience, time, and creative skills! haahahaa! ( :

i love you baby,
and if it's quite alright..
i need you baby,
to warm a lonely night...

Friday, February 16, 2007

have you ever heard of FLIPPIN' BANANAS?
oh yes, while alex and i were walking towards the woodlands interchange,
mr fruit seller was yelling
we both had a serious laughing fit.
then it got worse when i realised,
alex didn't know he really meant PHILLIPINE BANANAS all along.
that silly. hahahahaa
you never fail to put a smile on my face even after the most tiring days... ( :

anyway, pasta mania needs serious help. their staff are all KIDS.
and, i had a strand of hair in my pasta!!! when i was almost done with it..
and despite our speculations about which part of the body the hair came from,
(i hope its the head and nowhere else.)
our conclusion is still this.
any hair in your food is never good.

anyway spent the afternoon at bras basah,
just getting his vinyl stickers for the laptop makeover!
i spent one hour in the shop?
and end up spending $5. ONLY.
i really didn't know i was in there THAT LONG.
too busy yakking away. lol.. i hope i didn't annoy the shop uncle. LOL
oh well, its the 3 "supers" chinese new year concert in the morning.

so i should really really sleep! ugh 5 hours of sleep.
laptop makeover!
i can't wait!!!
( :

// push the button.

Monday, February 12, 2007

do the (RED) thing.

do your part, help fight aids in africa. ( :

okay, so on saturday i finally gave in to the very tempting sight of NEW YORK NEW YORK. located along citylink, it's always bustling with the hungry crowd. and hungry we were...

aaron: "the wings don't taste like those back in Buffalo. at all..."
and the mushroom cappucino was pretty bland, thank god my pumpkin soup was satisfactory.
main courses, my choice of bratswurts was superb! but, again... aaron's choice of the beef steak was a total flop.. it didn't even carry a hint of the grilled flavour, and it was comparable to flavoured rubber, just chewy..

maybe we should have just gone to TCC huh?

Friday, February 09, 2007

ps: this is a 3-week old lappie.
but it's been taken very good care of!
(plus it's NORTON-protected!)
please leave a comment below for more details!!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

ohkay, so i've been meaning to blog. (really!)
BUT i haven't had the time (as if)
or the mood (just plain lazy.)
sooooo.. oh well, we just got MIO installed this morning, or afternoon rather.
the time fixed was 9am, soo i had to sacrifice sleep and wake up..
but lo and behold, they only arrived at 12noon. bummer...
well i spent the time waiting for them watching ADRIFT.
i mean... thank you...
imma watch it again later. hahah...
that's just me, i like watching movies over and over again, and if the plot hits the soft spot, i'll cry over and over again. SHUT UP.
its not a crime to be emo..
right, so we're tryna figure out how much it costs to eat at seoul garden...
any life savers? (actually i could just call, but then again the price doesn't really bother me! hhaha)
talking about food, i smell swedish meatballs for dinner since the folks are at ikea...
and! in anticipation of the not so figure flattering food coming my way, ive been prancing around the house, popping and shaking with the music blasting through the roof.
and it definitely feels satisfying.
number 1, i get a work out, especially abs hand ass!
number 2, i can skip gym.. hahaha okay i sound lazy..
anyways, on the other hand, still on the topic of fitness, YOGA CLASS with my darling sister starting in march... wish me luck please.. i hope i don't suffer any broken bones from such extreme poses. i'm actually pretty psyched tho! we need to go get mats!!
the damage = $55 straight up. and bye bye friday nights..
it better be good!
so i did 4 seminars with my sister in the past 2 weeks.
attending seminars, and getting paid isn't bad at all?
hahah, i had a hell lotta fun, especially with steph's friends...
well on one occasion we went out to buy coffee with john and i was short of 5cm from getting hit by a red car. right....
this is an abrupt end. hahah... laters...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

my very fulfilling weekend.
kudos to all who made it possible. (:

lunch with mummy & daddy @ al dente trattoria esplanade.
yesssss, back to the old workplace.
we ordered 2 tenderloins and 2 cod fillets
(cos we were using the one-for-one main course voucher.)
but the fish, mummy said was bad. so had to reject both portions of fish.
and we asked for another steak instead.
at the end of the day, we paid for one steak, but had three.
hahah. thanks jackson. LOL.

the crepes have such whimsical names, like banana murtabak, my chinatown, kopi teh?
yumm yumm yumm.
but somehow the crepes are more spongy than what i remember crepes to be ideally.
hmmm hmmm.
and just as we were leaving to go to ikea, guess who i spotted?
HENRYK!! hahah, absolutely engrossed in his musical scores, i stopped him in his tracks.
should have seen the look on his face.
right, and now he tells me i seem taller than the last time he saw me.
idiot. well my room is still in a hurricane of a mess. looks like a typhoon just swept through. i'll fix it up. soon. hahah i hope!


Skatepark @ 2am on Sunday Morn. We waited more than half an hour for the night rider mind you. After which we decided to CAB. rahhhh.

and then...
FYI:we went there with the main purpose of playing board games.
but, much to our disappointment, games are only available for play AFTER 1AM.
now who told us otherwise? hmmm?
and look who we bumped into @ cine?
when i saw mad i screamed. and she screamed too...brianna... she just walked past mad without even realising. HAHAH!

now brianna and i have the same tee GREEN WEDNESDAYS! ( :
with brianna, wilson, jian rong & ming jie.
Happy Birthday Stranger.
we've found a new YISHUN-KHAKI.
jianrong, who lives opposite my condo!
now tell me, how much smaller can the world get huh?

to the left, to the left. ( :