Saturday, September 30, 2006

its been the longest 3 weeks of my life.
away from the one who first stole my heart more than 2 years ago.
baby, i'm coming home... =]
these 3 weeks, has been a real test.
a test of time,
a test of distance,
a test of our love.
and although we've been so far apart,
my heart has never left your side...
im still, if not,
even more entwined..
i've spent my waking moments
wishing you were here with me...
to take in the sights and sounds of a foreign place...
just the very thought of you puts a warm smile on my face.
and everynight you lull me to sleep-
that sweet, familiar voice that i always seek..
and i wake up in the morning,
knowing that i'm one day closer to going back to your safe embrace.
no words would ever be enough
to describe the way you make me feel.
nothing, and no one else but you would complete my life.
and i can't thank the stars enough for bringin u back to me.
i love u sweetheart.
now, and always. =)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

aussie bum...

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Oceans

Once we have become aware of our old conditioning and taken control of our minds to form new habits through action, we will find ourselves sailing into a vast, limitless ocean of possibility. Leaving your shoreline, your comfort zone, behind can be a daunting time for anyone and fear can be a very overwhelming response to such freedom of choice.

In this time it is important to focus on consistent action and ask yourself
"Do I want to move forward or backward?" You see, it is at this point many of us will be faced with the difference between change and growth.
Change is inevitable while growth is optional. Once your paradigms have been shifted and opportunities are within sight, it is up to you to choose to grow. To better mentally prepare yourself for this challenge, focus on those results that are exciting and inspiring to motivate yourself to consistently act upon your personal growth.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

alone at home in sydney
the rest have gone out to buy lottery.
336pm aussie time.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

here in aussie,
u don't have to touch up your makeup all day.
even if your face gets oily,
you still look picture perfect.
cool huh?
hahaha... okae so lame la.
im still freezing...
cold cold cold!

over 3000 miles away...
and clueless.
i have no idea what's going on...
this is one hell of a test, indeed.
but still,
i love u.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

jeanine in aussie.
okae im at my aunt's.
there's dial up but i can't access my mails somehow.

alex! baby!
im in aussie!!!
and this is for you okaeeeee
i miss you loads,
its damn damn fucking cold here im dying.
need a hugggg now now nowwww
i can't email you cos somehow i can't access gmail...
so here im telling you...
i love youuuuuuuuuuu!
muacks muacks muacks.
haf fun with imf!
and take care of yourself!
laterrr.. =)

Friday, September 08, 2006

dinner at bishan with auntie caron and uncle see. and i'm still not done packing. i just checked the weather and it's gonna be cold in aussie... how? what's there to keep me warm?

in exactly 30 hours..

i'll be on the plane to sydney.

3295 miles away..

it's really getting to me..
really... and so are the tears...
they're flooding my eyes,
they're drowning my silent cries..
3 weeks away,
miles and miles away...

i'm already missing you.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

at burger king with my sweetheart.
cheater bug! but still...
you ask me what i want,
i say, i just want 10 more mins with you.
cos that's all it takes to make me happy. =)

earlier, went to steph's place
before picking tori up from school...
the lil princess went to the zoo!
bet she had loads of animal fun ..
caught up with vel and idah at starbucks,
then to orchard for some girl time...
eyebrow threading and...
a potato dinner at billy bombers..
told daddy alex would be coming over,
which didn't happen in the end.. but when i go home i couldn't believe my eyes... they were so nicely dressed waiting for the arrival of the special guests.. mummy & daddy are definitely expecting you! hahahh..
kaes gonna crash... grrrrr...
imf sucks rite darling?

Monday, September 04, 2006

thinking of you...
by alexander i. zaniel

when the nights are long and cold,
and the days are lonesome and blue,
and the tears begin to get old,
my thoughts always drift to you.

when i wanted no more to do with love,
and afraid to feel in any way,
god somehow placed you in my life,
i shall never forget that day..

when my heart is quickly breaking,
and i am forced to search my mind
for something to stop the aching,
you are the one i find..

so afraid to feel vulnerable,
i tried to hold you back.
but you were so kind and patient,
as i let my boundaries slack.

when i'm feeling helpless and weak,
you give me strength to move on.
when i'm broken and cannot speak,
you give me words through song..

the happiness i know with you,
is like nothing i've felt before.
when once all was closed from view,
now you have opened the door.

and released my hidden emotions,
released my heart and soul.
my deepest love and devotion,
finally making me whole.

now we share a love so special,
two years since we first met.
and you love me for who i am,
in you, god gave me the best.

i love you darling so very much,
for allowing me to be me.
and for loving me no matter what,
unconditional as it can be.

if we are forced to be apart,
throughout everything you do,
please know that you are in my heart,
and that i am always thinking of you...

labrador park.

3rd of september 2006

Saturday, September 02, 2006

shopping SPREE.

Somewhere over the rainbow

Bluebirds fly

Birds fly over the rainbow

Why then, oh why can't I?

Some day I'll wish upon a star

And wake up where the clouds are far behind me

Where troubles melt like lemondrops

Away above the chimney tops

That's where you'll find me

Friday, September 01, 2006

3 hours of laughter,
an hour of tears.
8 days to sydney,
and the peak of my fears.