Tuesday, December 26, 2006

christmas eve.
town with evan...
ahhh... i simply cannot believe it has been 3 years.
time really flies..
and presenting us,

3 years later.

and look what i found at wheelock?!
PATRICK STAR! ohh i've always been a fan of you,

you.. pink starfish. ( :

and it costs $69.90. omfg. LIKE WHY??

christmas day.
the typical mass in the morning... we had lunch at swensens... haha yummm..
and then we had to do some last minute grocery shopping before heading home to prepare for the dinner "party"
i don't think i wanna be cutting fruits and veggies for awhile. haha!

she never fails to put a smile on everyone's face. ( :

merry christmas ya'll... spend it with the ones you love.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

omfg. it's sunday ALREADY?
someone please kill me.
it's like a week to christmas and my shopping isn't done!
and i can't even remember what i've been up to the past week.
so i shall skip everything and blog for like..
had lunch with jones & pris.
oh goodness, i swear.. i havent seen jones for like over a year since we left tp??CHECK OUT THE SPREAD!
chicken, rosti, mushroom ragout, pizza, and we had waffles after.
a feast indeed. but i want my cheese sausage!
then, i spent like an hour at toys r us after they left...
the most adorable bunny i've ever seen.. and omg...
its just so soft and huggable!
if only it was bigger though.
hahahaaaaaaaaa! and spongebob was HUGE!!! only $19.95?!!?!?
but my room doesn't have space for spongebob... =(
henryk & bunny... we were waiting for them to install the webcam la.
ended up buying 2 that cost $169 each!?!?!?!?!?
and then, we went to swensens for ICE CREAM!!!
AND NOW im super tired...

the day i got accupunctured. and had my bones CRACKED.

HAHAHA PROBABLY, my worst paper cut EVER! BYE!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

This little piggy went to Prada,
This little piggy went to Cannes,
This little piggy dined at Nobu,
And this little piggy, Hakkasan.
And this little piggy went 'Wee wee wee wee!'
All the way home because she had a fat bottom!
* * *
Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton,
Mulberry, Mulberry?
Nappy bag dilemma – Lulu, Kate or Anya?
Shopping spree, buy all three.
* * *
There was a young woman who lived in her Choos,
though she once had a house in a smart Chelsea Mews.
So much on Jimmy,
The house had to go,
And with it, her Amex and husband in tow!
* * *
Pussycat, pussycat, where have you been?
I've been to London to see McQueen,
Pussycat, pussycat, what did you there?
I bought the collection and kissed lots of air.
* * *
Twinkle, twinkle, diamond ring,
In a blue box tied with string.
Tiffany's new princess cut,
Twice the size of baby's butt.
Twinkle twinkle, show your spark,
Can't change nappies in the dark.
* * *

Friday, December 08, 2006

yet another week has passed...
time sure flies...
i smell 2007 already.
sunday 3rd december,
tori's year end school concert @ raffles jubilee hall.
had lunch at purvis street with the uhm, extended family.


tori with her package from jim thompson.

tori the butterfly, after her performance with her daddy. she did very very well! ( :

this is cenicenta.. she's a very good girl! i mean.. horse.

the yellow gallardo.

i can't believe it's friday already...
and i spent yesterday most unproductively.
3 hours waiting for my turn at the dentist.
what the hell are appointments for??
those who appreciate figure skating, go to velocity...
they have professional performing twice a day from today till christmas eve.
and the girl is really really HOT.
i have videos... wanna watch? ASK ME.


Friday, December 01, 2006

its FRIDAY! again?
damn, time flies when you're having fun.
PIG-OUT WEEK. trust me... it was, indeed.

bunny toast! aye i was bored?

thursday night dinner. kenny rogers! yummm! haven't had this in AGES!!!

PIZZA on wednesday...

food food food and more food!

i'll be launching twd's men's line soon... but here's a sneak..

enjoy the weekend ya'll!

has the time come?