Tuesday, January 23, 2007

my very fulfilling weekend.
kudos to all who made it possible. (:

lunch with mummy & daddy @ al dente trattoria esplanade.
yesssss, back to the old workplace.
we ordered 2 tenderloins and 2 cod fillets
(cos we were using the one-for-one main course voucher.)
but the fish, mummy said was bad. so had to reject both portions of fish.
and we asked for another steak instead.
at the end of the day, we paid for one steak, but had three.
hahah. thanks jackson. LOL.

the crepes have such whimsical names, like banana murtabak, my chinatown, kopi teh?
yumm yumm yumm.
but somehow the crepes are more spongy than what i remember crepes to be ideally.
hmmm hmmm.
and just as we were leaving to go to ikea, guess who i spotted?
HENRYK!! hahah, absolutely engrossed in his musical scores, i stopped him in his tracks.
should have seen the look on his face.
right, and now he tells me i seem taller than the last time he saw me.
idiot. well my room is still in a hurricane of a mess. looks like a typhoon just swept through. i'll fix it up. soon. hahah i hope!


Skatepark @ 2am on Sunday Morn. We waited more than half an hour for the night rider mind you. After which we decided to CAB. rahhhh.

and then...
FYI:we went there with the main purpose of playing board games.
but, much to our disappointment, games are only available for play AFTER 1AM.
now who told us otherwise? hmmm?
and look who we bumped into @ cine?
when i saw mad i screamed. and she screamed too...brianna... she just walked past mad without even realising. HAHAH!

now brianna and i have the same tee GREEN WEDNESDAYS! ( :
with brianna, wilson, jian rong & ming jie.
Happy Birthday Stranger.
we've found a new YISHUN-KHAKI.
jianrong, who lives opposite my condo!
now tell me, how much smaller can the world get huh?

to the left, to the left. ( :

Friday, January 19, 2007

loving you, is so close to impossible.
sometimes i really wonder,
is there a need to be so mean? =

"..No one could ever like, respect, or accept me! I don't deserve to be treated nicely! People are just nice to you in order to use you and get something they want from you! I am so afraid that no one will like me! I am an incomplete person and will always be that way! Why would anyone care to hear what I say, how I feel, or what I think? What is the sense of trying, I'll never get it right!
I can never accomplish the task facing me! Everybody is looking at me, just waiting for me to make a fool of myself!

I can never win. I am a loser. No matter how hard I work to achieve, I never get any recognition! I am incompetent in everything. How could anybody ever say anything good about me?
I failed them in the past; therefore, I am a failure today! Once a failure, always a failure! "
If you feel a pinch reading the above statements, you might be chronically insecure. Lots of people around us are. They live their lives restrained by their own, self-imposed limitations. They set standards for themselves, as what they deem ought to be ideal. Is this further aggrevated by the unmotivating society we live in? Or is it simply an inferiority complex within us?

Indeed, the level of security we can gather from our environment, and the amount of self-confidence we have in ourselves pretty much determines how the way we live.
All living beings seek security, we are all born with the power of fear, inbuilt in us. We require constant reassurance, a nod as a sign of approval, or as a green light to proceed in the things we do. Without that assurance that what we are dabbling in is correct, we are open to a higher possibility and fear of failing in goals and tasks. We need to bridge that gap of insecurity. We fear FAILURE in our future endeavours; while some fear that the past will repeat itself, a past of previous failures.
Thus, we seek all ways and means to avoid failure, by which suggests the avoidance of pain. Now, we all refer to PROCRASTINATION as an act of deferment of a certain action.
But as defined by life success coach John Kanary,
PROCRASTINATION is the acceptance of a life that we don't want to avoid the pain we must go through to have the life that we do want.

GUILTY? think about it, many of us are indeed daily procrastinaters! why settle for 2nd place, when you can be the best? it's time to curb those fears & insecurities... but, HOW?

In the bid to increase our self-worth, some may feel the need to surround themselves with lots of people, not necessarily friends, but acquaintances no doubt. They may gain a sense of satisfaction, knowing that there are people who care. The feeling of being popular, the feeling of being WANTED. But, how much can we gain from a SUPERFICIAL sense of SECURITY?

yes, the hottest guy around may not necessarily be secure.
He may have a whole school of girls to choose from; he may be the role model of his "not-so-lucky" male counterparts and stir jealousy amongst them,
BUT! would you know if he inwardly struggles with himself?
even he would have issues with himself. Remember, we all have facades.

Being blessed in the looks department, or owning a country does not equal to instant societal security. In fact, it might turn out to be a lifelong complication instead. Such people have other insecurities to deal with.

No one said the rich and famous had it any easier...
At least, we don't have the paparrazi to deal with.

Rants by Jean.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the manifestation of absolute chimera.

its amazing what difference a day makes.
yesterday, you might be living life in a daze...
trapped amidst bottled up emotions and angst.
today, you might find a sudden escape..
an escape from life's cruel bringings;
an escape from the pain.
what then, will tomorrow bring?

perhaps i hoped for too much,
perhaps i had too much faith.
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
the law of expectation failed me.
PARTIALLY, this time.

how can someone have so much influence on my life,
how can he be the very difference, between heaven and hell?
was i too naive? i must have been.
but the odds weren't against me, until the night was done...

your eyes, they speak a whole different language.
but their story is not to be told.
behind those hazel eyes lies a tale of what might just be.....
our eyes never lie. they speak no words, but are full of expression. they make no sound, and yet,
the story behind them amounts to more than all the poetry in the universe.

...i just wish you were here with me.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

girl's day out!

michelle tia!! i haven't seen her since we graduated in 2005...

after lunch @ pizza place RC,
i was DUMPED. ahhahahaa! thanks mich. so nice of you...
and then, we went to outram when she came back for me.

dinner @ BREWERKZ.
drinks @ IGUANA


Friday, January 12, 2007

why did i let myself believe miracles could happen?
cause now i have to pretend,
that i don't really care.
i thought you were my fairytale,
a dream when i'm not sleeping..
a wish upon a star that's coming through..
but everybody else could tell -
that i confuse my feelings with the truth
when there was me and you...

I swore I knew the melody
that I heard you singing
and when you smiled
you made me feel
like I could sing along
but then you went and changed the words
now my heart is empty
I'm only left with used-to-be's
once upon a song
you lifted my spirits, like you always did.
you gave me back the memories,
you put the song back into the dance,
and in that moment,
i felt my heart skip to the beat.
what now? one moment you're here, the next, you're gone.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I know what I'm doing may be dumb
I know I should not be staring at the sun
But the thought of you leads me to temptation
It's the same whatever side you're on
Separated we are delicate and small
And the space between, needs our attention
I see you right in front of me,
as close as you can get
And I pray that you won't leave, this daydream yet
And it might seem much too far,
to get back to where you are
But it's close enough, with an ocean size love
So if you can't reach out to me, send a sign across the sea
And I'll pick it up, with an ocean size love
I don't have to worry any more If I really need you I'll go to the shore
And the thought of you there is my protection
I see you right in front of me, a vision in my head
And I know this is as real, as a daydream gets
And it might seem much too far, to get back to where you are
But it's close enough, with an ocean size love
So if you can't reach out to me, send a sign across the sea
And I'll pick it up, with an ocean size love
You make no sound, but I can hear you in the wind
I can see this never ends, like the sea,
like you for me

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

You're my Honeybunch,
You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake,
You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear

"sua-ku" goes to VIVO.
YESS... jeanine finally visited VIVOCITY.
feel like an idiot. haha
well, at least i'm out of the
(on the very first day that it opens)" category of my fellow KIASU singaporean counterparts. ( :
anyway, haha thanks aaron for the tour of vivo and
they really name their dishes as it is. they just put a slice of cheese on top of the fish and melted it... idiots. hha.
the first shop i barged into was candy empire..
and found my much loved, childhood till now, all time favourite snack.
whoa that was a mouthful! haha!

// have you ever seen the rain?

Sunday, January 07, 2007

a week into 2007.
and i'm so so tired.
mentally, physically, emotionally DRAINED.
been gyming alot lately.
but its good. ( :
believe it or not, i spent nye at home. with mummy and daddy!
honestly i don't see why there's so much going on,
its just another year to get through..
ha. right i'll quit being saddistic.
get outta the party mood already.
get back to life LAH!

been workin on the twd guy's collection...
its shaping up alright.
so far so good but don't rush me...
good things, must wait.
be patient with me please,
i think i'm in the midst of a tour of emotional hell.
( :
why issit so f.hard to just tell me straight in the face. huh huh huh?
guys and they're ego-crap. UGH.
never fails to annoy me...
but then again, you know i love you. hahah...
[ when love & hate collide. ]
well, not really anyways. haha.
oh oh oh!
bottle tree park is unofficially OPEN.
or so i think.
fyi : its in yishun. okay. drop by.
can you see meeeeee... god the tree is f. HUGE.
would someone build me a treehouse...?
and sleep in?
pardon the goofiness. tryna keep myself sane.
bye. enjoy the week...

Friday, January 05, 2007

The sweetest thing is what you are

From you I'll never be to far,

Please say forever you will stay beside me

You're my past, my future My all, my everything

My six in the morning when the clock rings

And I open up my eyes to a new day

my laughs, my frowns My ups, my downs

It's a feeling that you get

When you know that something's true

When I think of love I think of you

Your beautiful like the colours of the rainbow

Warm hearted like the rays of the sun on a summer day

And I got to do is look in to your eyes to lose myself

You're the substance of my dreams, epitomy of woman

The only one I truly call mine