Sunday, April 30, 2006

the most "xin fu" people on earth...

lazing around on a saturday afternoon...


Friday, April 28, 2006

I have lost my illusions
I have drowned in your words
I have left my confusion to a cynical world
I am throwing myself at things
I don't understand
Discover enlightenment holding your hand

You are...
So beautiful ...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

curtains closed.
the end.

thank you very much for coming!

finally, west side story is over.
for me that is.
the final hosting, for nordea bank..
it was great..
tall room is a great place for hostings...
the atmosphere is rather dim,
quite romantic i must say with all the flowers..

gosh im so tired la...
the media launch really killed me.
i spent the whole day in a super zombified state.
i dunnoe if i was even awake..
so many screw ups!!!
but in the end it was fine so im fine
but im still not happy laaaaa...
i hate doing last min stuff.
so inefficient la. ugh..

but its over so..
jeanine, get over it.
and just learnnn..

the other day after acta i took a london cab home
damn happy la
i was so excited please.. =) =) =)
and did i mention,
karl gave me dis seed,
if u blow it correctly it makes this damn loud whistling noise
i have yet to master it...
when i blow all i hear is a forced gush of wind
he gave me a whole box of imu feathers too
he said if you have imu feathers in your possession,
your man won't give you trouble!

goodness me...
today in a rush to do the skirting,
i ended up with a big safety pin stuck up my thumb..
when i pulled it out the bleeding wouldn't stop
i was dripping blood all over the ivory skirting..
hahaha! i hope no one notices! oops.

anyway, this thing with tammy is really gettin on my nerves la
no.1 i dont look like tammy.
no.2 i dont act or behave like tammy
no.3 my name is not TAMMY!

i just wanna dance..
the dance of love
of fire and of passion..
rubbish la. talking nonsense.

3 days to payday!!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

omg im gonna die.
got off work at like 1145 yesterday (monday)
started work at 12..
got off work at 1130 today..
and i start at 9am?

dis is insane..
anyway i had curry fish head for lunch!
fabian's treat at simply peranakan cuisine...
its good!!
i like the babi ponteh...
i want i want i want.

goodnight. =)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

the 2 events were great!!
although i was only at one la..
the acta one.. super duper fun

we had so much fun despite the rain... guess it was all okae in the end...

too much going through my head right now...

time to sleep...

Monday, April 24, 2006

hahah my nonsensical doodles..

Sunday, April 23, 2006

" i'll keep you my dirty little secret "

don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret
my dirty little secret

who has to know
when we live such fragile lives
it's the best way we survive
i go around a time or two
just to waste my time with you

tell me all that you've thrown away
find out games you don't wanna play
you are the only one that needs to know

who has to know
the way she feels inside
those thoughts I can't deny
these sleeping dogs won't lie
and now I try to lie
it's eating me apart
trace this life out

* dis is no fun *

i had to go back for event briefing on a saturday afternoon.
i have to go back to do event set up on a sunday NIGHT.
and i have a site inspection on monday afternoon,
and 2 events the same evening.
a west side story the next evening,
plus simultaneous set up for the next morning's media launch
and a final west side story that evening.
what kind of week is this?
thank god april is almost over.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

im so depressed now i dunnoe what to do.
i wanna run away so bad...
i need to find a hideaway...

Friday, April 21, 2006

MOS with sarah... hahaha... more photos to come once respective photographers upload... =)
mos two.

in the end,
i gave in to temptation...
i went clubbing again...
dis is bad...
dis is very very bad..

anyway, at least i didnt leave the club in tears
like i did the first time when we went with cake..
in fact i had a lot more fun this time around!
bumped into eric at the main arena..
and we made some aussie friends...
rebecca & dave if im not wrong...
it was gooood!!!

sarah's like the r & b/ hip hop pro?
hahah still say first time clubber...
trust me i have my doubts la... =P
thanks for sending me home dearie!
can you imagine, the total cab fare was $30.60...
mos to yishun to serangoon..
im not surprised...
madness madness, absolute madness!
almost fell asleep on the way back so we were crapping all the way..

when are we having ben and jerry's!?!?

anyway one of my most feared events is finally over..
the lunch for macquarie telecom.. thanks god!!
all went well, no screw ups..
it was good..
more events next week and i can take a breather..
work is really suffocating...

meeting at 1030 in the morning at patara..
and im still here..
save me please...
im falling....

Thursday, April 20, 2006

10am 10am 10am..
should i or should i not?

oh oh oh,
i met baby just now...
10 mins?
hahaha! sooo happpppy laaaaaaa

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

im halfway through west side story...
but it's gettin boring..
i've heard the songs over 5 times...
someone please shut my ears...

baby didnt go to overnight camp afterall.
and she's got work later.
i've got foodtasting later
and im still here.

lunch with jimmy and angela next week.
i loveee my drew and napier clients..
they raaawk!
k la not all.. ahaha
i got the west side story goodie bag!!
with drew pens and note pads!!
*jumps around*

imu baby...
when will i see you again? =(

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

baby's going to camp later.
im gonna be alone later.
im gonna be alone for 2 days.
i need a distraction.

i finally bought my aldo watch.
jeanine's a happy gurl. =)

drew & napier...
one more time...

gurl i need your touch...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

i was voted
best kisser
by your boyfriend

i got this from hollister, another tee reads "love machine" i also bought an american eagle top dats brown...anyway, its easter...

and im so tired...interrupted weekend. but its okae. =)

back to work tmw... dats fast...and before you noe it, another week would be over... blahs.watched take the lead with darling yesterday,it was goooooooood! i wanna watch again! any takers? hahahah...

had a super fast dinner @ snt, which i did not finish.ended up there for lunch again today with the family.what the heck... =S


and i had my chunky monkey today! wheeeeeeee!

sarah you still owe me ben & jerry's !!

i just revamped sarah's blog

and it looks like dis!!!
its a masterpiece i tell you... =)

Friday, April 14, 2006

sometimes we play hard... hoops & yoyo, blueie and greyie

in fact, we always do. =) ilu.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

jeanine needs a break
jeanine needs a holiday.
jeanine's been working for 4 months.
and jeanine's s.duper tired.

it feels funny being 20,
and being in charge.
or being put in charge...
it's even funnier to look back after handling a couple of big events,
and when it finally sinks in that i managed that event;
its freaky.
sometimes i can't believe im the one making the decisions.
it's just way creepy... eeks.

im up against a previous colleague,
she's now a competitor,
she's now with oriental.
oh the kind of face she showed
when she found out im the one
she's been "fighting" with for west side story hostings...

for the record,
i had 5 siew mais and 5 har gows...
yes, for dinner. :)

ohoh and i had ikea's chicken wings
a few bites of swedish meatballs..
and a happy afternoon with bayybieeeeee
*grins triumphantly*

ilu.imu.more. :)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

singing the monday

what a morning la..
i woke up late,
i took a cab to work,
halfway fab calls and i have to buy clip boards and go to pomodoro.
then 5 mins later he calls asking me to go to esplanade to pick up somethin before going to pomodoro...
so i take the cab to bras basah,
take another back to esplanade and continue to great world.
and after missing the bus from great world,
i took yet another cab back to esplanade.

confirmed 2 events today...
not bad not bad..
i had my breakfast and lunch at 6pm...
and my dinner at 8 at swensens with my baby!!!


west side story tmw...

Sunday, April 09, 2006


i went on a shopping spree
to take my mind off the headache,
the giddy spells and the stress from WSS.
it's really getting to me,
it's giving me nightmares..

i bought 3 tube tops from ebase,
and a cropped jacket.
a new navel stud,
and 2 new nose studs
cos i dropped yet another one into the sink that morning.

before that i bought something else,
which got me really excited,
but i shan't say what.. :)

i really hope i can get a good night's sleep
my head still hurts though.
i miss my baby..

did i mention i got a present from my director?
its a royal selangor pewter frame..
haahha... goodness.

alrite. i need to catch some sleep.
i cant believe it's monday already.

champagne bubbly :)

piper heidsieck VS moet & chandon
take your pick!

deutsche bank was fine..
a lil rough at first but it all worked out fine. =)
after the intermission ended up talkin with the personnel from deutsche..
she's not that bad after all la..
we were talking bout chcocolate places in singapore..
and she mentioned one at republic plaza,
should try it one day..

i fell sick in a matter of like an hour.
its impossible..
one moment im so tired,
gonna crash...
the next moment my head is throbbing like hell..
and im slipping in and out of dreams..

so i only get to sleep at like 7am...
from my bed to the sofa to my bed
with the windows open to the aircon later...
i swear i've never had such a bad night.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

" my friday in a nutshell."

it was crazy. absolutely crazy.
on thursday i was told to report to work at 11am.
at 3am in the morning i received an sms asking me to report at 10am.
which of course i did not see until morning when i woke up at 845am.
and for goodness sake i am a very precise person.
if i have to report at 11am,
i leave by 945...
so i wake up at 845,
and how am i supposed to make it there by 10am?
that was the first shitty episode of the day.

part 2.
food tasting for ubs...
they just talk and talk and talk like nobody's business..
like hello i have better things to do like proposals to send out and deals to close rather than stand around waiting for you guys to start the lunch.

part 3.
immediately after the food tasting,
i rushed out 2 proposals..
and then went to the foyer to set up for the uob reception..
west side story's premiere @ esplanade.
i got so cheesed off with the table cloths...
i remember specifically saying i wanted 114,
they used 112.
i refused to tie the ribbons..

anyway, grabbed a quick dinner with erika and the rest,
it was hilarious..
i called erika cos i saw them walking towards marina square..
mind you we were still at the foyer..

now this was where the panic began...
fabian called asking why we didnt set up the glass house..
i only had 25 beer glasses on hand.
the expected event turn out was 190.
190 guests, 25 beer glasses?
its a miracle at the end of the night only 1 joker had 1 beer.
thank my lucky stars..

dis is 5.
then... i got "scolded" cos the groomin standard really sucked..
i mean, okae.. so they dont bun up their hair..
it's my fault?
fine i'll go buy hairnets and pins and i'll turn everyone into ballerinas...

* * *
okae dat was pretty much most of the shit.
the reception itself was swell..
i spent the whole 1 hour talking to this lady,
her name is jess
and she's cool..
she's 40 but she looks like 30,
and she has 2 kids..
she said i should call her mummy and i did.
she's so sweeet. =)

she was telling me i should marry an angmoh so i can lead a good life.
fabian came by to talk too...
oh well..

ton thanh was nice too,
she's the organiser..
vietnamese, very very nice...
after the reception i walked her to the taxi stand
and we were complaining about our aching feet!
and she said...
"im too vain to wear flats!"
if only all my clients are like thanh.. =)

anyway after that my feet hurt so so bad,
i was gonna leave to meet my baby,
but i got a call from fab saying he lost his access pass..
i specifically told him not to lose it cos he left it on my table..
and he "lost" it...
by the time i got to the carpark,
he called saying he found it.
one wasted trip,
and my feet were gonna give up on me...
so i lulled myself back to the office,
and fought the temptation to cab down to city hall to meet my darling...
=) =) =)

popped into robinsons to get me some new heels from itti & otto..
my most impulsive buy of 2006 mind you.
but it was like heaven after hell.
so we took a bus down to liang court to meet up with the old gang...
zamzi, lynn, idah, mabel, mhd, adimah, ken...
did i leave out anyone?
they went to mos after mac's but baby and i just cabbed back to yishun...
so that was it..
a hectic day with a sweet ending,
i just wish we had more time together...

baby's asleep now...
she's got an appointment in the early morning...
so sarah's entertaining me..

that's all folks!!! =)
enjoy the weekend!

did i mention i have 2 events on a SATURDAY?

omg... dis is new... msn
jeanine.. tshering yangdon. -- एन्दुरन्चे said:
i get out of control sometimes

`skye स्क्ये; kiss the demons out of my dreams ; ]] says:
when you get out of control call 9*******

a new way to give someone your number...
learn from sarah!! ahahhaaaa...

Friday, April 07, 2006

life is full of ups and downs..
just promise me you'll stay by my side?

why can't they just leave us alone..
why can't they just let us be?

this world is so freakin unfair..

whoever you are,
stop stalking me.
or else.
trust me you'll live to regret it when i lose my head.
do not underestimate what i might do.

i just lost the mood to rant about anything else.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

and before the night is over,
i just want you to know,
that i love you...
happy anniversary darling.. =)

it was a freakin busy day..
i think i almost died la..
had to take a cab to work to do up the luncheon menus...
return 8 voicemails..
what a way to start the day..
thank god i closed a 12k deal today.
doesnt make me feel so unproductive...

had dinner with baby and sarah at al dente...
it was greatttt!
hahah.. its gettin so hilarious...
im like re-living my sec school days..
damn hilarious...

anyway... back-tracking...
i gave baby dicky junior yesterday..
but then we lost one of our mini patricks at cartel...
and i got so upset i cried.
something else upset me too
but i guess it doesnt matter...
i just wanna live my everyday with you...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

happy anniversay baby.
1 month, or 1 year and 7 months?
i love you.

Spinning R&B TOP 40 All night
1 for 1 from 11pm to 1 am
Tickets @ $18
C'mon bring your friends down for the largest gathering
happening at the explanade.
For Information Contact shaun 92780620

Monday, April 03, 2006

i hate mondays...
don't ask me why...
i just hate mondays...

i was so busy all day...
and i had to run out to suntec hsbc to deposit fabian's cheque..

it was raining in the late afternoon,
the perfect weather to just cuddle up in bed..
but i had to workkk!
did i mention it's a monday?

met up with my darling and angie and sarah at starfucks,
uh i mean... starbucks... oops.
we were crappin before goin to mac's for my dinner.

and everyone just loves my baby's singing yes?
that's why she's my lullaby.. =)

and here's the wacky trio...
you guys are the bestest company i've come across in a long long while...

and moreeee ministry of sound night photos...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

its saturday yet again..
time is flying like there's no tomorrow..
but here's the irony,
tomorrow is here before you know it. =)

got into trouble at work yesterday...
so here's the story.
event = thermal ceramics asia.
menu = 5 course set dinner with 3 main course chocies.
they had the chicken option added in last week,
so i amended the menu and gave one to chef.
but, i forgot the one on the events board..

in the morning i msged chef with the preorders of main course.
he called and ask,
"since when did your menu include chicken?"
you didnt give me the amended menu,
so no chicken.

fuck. that was it.
never give a chef a new menu and leave it be.
make sure he puts in the the file.
remind him every single day so he wont forget.
so there was no chicken.
there were only 4 portions left for ala carte and he refuses to give it to my event.
so what if he did?
there were only 4, i needed 11 portions.

reaaall deeeep shiiit.

so while i was on the verge of breaking down from getting shouted at while tryin to keep my cool...
i started calling the other outlets
cos chef just simply refused to help.
he said the way i asked wasnt the way to request help from a chef.
that he had enough of my f*ckung attitude.
what attitude?
i ask you nicely to help me resolve a problem rather than make it worse and you refuse to help and you say i have an attitude?
if i have an attitude,
this is it:- i will not cry over spilt milk and i'll find ways and means to resolve it with or without your help.

he asked me to try it with fabian and see what i get, well, think i'm afraid?
i tried it and what did i get?
i got a sensible person asking me,
"what is the main course? how many pax? how many portions?"
so you think i was gonna get a scolding?
people won't get a scolding for admitting what they slipped on..
i have such a kind boss that he even goes down to holland village and picks up the 11 portions of chicken for me.
not a single tinge of anger.
that's what i call working smart.

why blow up a problem instead of solving it?
exploding instantly is always more destructive.
that's a very good lesson i learnt from that one small mistake.

anyway, the whole event went well..
the way to keep your guests happy is by talking to them.

well, honestly, something's been bothering me quite abit.
they say the other events executives before me all had some standard in the looks department,
im not saying i do,
but the chefs always think im just a pretty vase put there to be admired.
what the hell..
i do everything,
i serve drinks, i serve food, i clear plates and cutlery,
i even carry oval trays of food and run up stairs in heels.
am i really an airhead?
i should start a poll... =(

dis is like the longest entry every since god knows when..
but at least its content is substantial..
so its time to digress..

im going out with my darling in the afternoon..
i wonder where we're heading today..
i have a feelin its far east..
just an inkling.. =)


anyway!! more photos..
we were cam-whoring at work...

more m.o.s.!