Friday, March 31, 2006

jeanine's a happy gurl...

cos its pay day!!!
and my pay is in already..
oh oh oh,
plus, its friday...
helloooooo WEEKEND!
actually it aint no big deal...
but oh well, thank god its friday anyhow... =)


29th march

@ ministry of sound

eeeewww i look so fat...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

hungover? not.
29th march 2006,
the first time we hit the club together..
my baby and me..

got kinda cheesed off at work actually,
i wanted to leave by 8 but i had to stay to make sure nothing screws up with the VIP table..
*pouts* i was so depressed?

got to MOS @ about 11...
and smoove was quite empty still..
and in the 20 mins or less i was outside with fabian and roy,
the whole place filled up like nobody's business?
my gawdddd...

humping, grinding,
makin out on the dance floor..
you name it we either did it or saw it..
hahaha! =)

are lesbian couples the hottest thing to watch on the dancefloor?
possibly. or so i think.
or so we were told...
baby when its you and me.. *laughs*

anyway i got upset yesterday when i was leaving,
i guess i didnt wanna leave you..
no, im sure..
we have so much fun, and saying goodnight is just so hard..

6 more days baby... =)

Monday, March 27, 2006

i miss my (bay)bieee..

i swear i'm not gonna eat "hum" / clams anymore.
i must be allergic cos mummy ate the same thing
and she's fine..
anyway i've been photowhoring.
dats what boredom does to you.

anyway i bought 3 new pairs of earrings,
(pearl, purple, blue )
2 new shiny big "gem" bracelets, ( purple, red )
a new charm necklace.. its got a lock and key!
and... a red elastic hairband.
i think im goin whack..

omg its monday already...
another work week ahead...
west side story is coming...
prepare for the war...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

for lovers of the art of ballet.
an absolutely stunning performance put forth.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

lazy saturdays...

* * *

our 4th saturday out.

on angeline : white quiksilver tee from flash & splash, khaki berms (not shown) from she doesn't know where.

on jeanine : roxy gurl's surf tee from flash & splash, belt and full length petite skirt, both from dorothy perkins. bag from reef. wooden bead bracelets and choker all handmade, beads imported from america. shell necklace from rastafari.

* * *

omfg.. my baby found her twin..

* * *

swensens tmw... eeeehaaaaaaaa! =) ilu.

ooh baby i can't wait!
its been ages since we've gone to holland v.
fos here we come!
wheeee! =) =) =)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

the headaches are killing me
but my baby's lovin me..
baby i love your magic touch..
when you hold me i want so so much
to freeze in the moment and not let go...
and when you kiss me,
you kiss the pain away...

let's go my love,
to a place we'll be free...
where the hours are endless,
and it's just you and me...

the week's almost over...
thank god its friday. =)

ilu baby...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


work's been tiring,
but fun!
we've had quite a bit of food to eat,
but i want my flower crab bisque! =(

work today was helluva crazy..
almost 13 hours la...
had "supper" in the office with fab till like 1230..
until he approved my taxi claim..
hahah i was actually countin on hitchin a ride home
but i guess even now he's still glued to the pc.
no wonder he's not married at 29.

and erika is absolutely a bundle of joy la..
makes me laugh even when we're all so so busy.
to think that her brother is my friend of like.. 10 years?
how much smaller can the world get?

baby im missing u so so bad...
i cant wait to give u a big big hug!
i cant wait for you to carry me again..
probably when your knee is better... =)

today is IKEA DAY!!
well, after im done with my NEA stuff dat is...
baby i can't wait!!!
i feel like a kid again...


Monday, March 20, 2006

i can see it in your eyes..
i sense it in your smiles..
i feel it in your touch..
and i frolick in your love..


thanks baby for taking care of me..
for putting up with my grumpiness the headache's been causin me..
and when you're with me,
nothing else matters..

can i have this kiss forever..?

Sunday, March 19, 2006

i wish they would just leave us alone.

event cancellation..
a trip to the sin seh..
a walk in lil india..
slackin in the studio..
and a 3rd saturday is over..
soon the weekend will be over too,
but what's the diff?
i still gotta go down to work soon..

i miss you baby,
when we're not together
time just stalls..
when will i see you again?

i have like 5 or 6 events next week..
and i'm so so dreading it already...
not becos it makes me tired..
but becos we won't haf much time together
and before you know it march will be over..
april will come and so will west side story..
then you'll go back to school
and i'll still be working..

i just wish it was may...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

my head's been hurtin really bad..
i rolled in bed for 4 hours last night
and i didnt get no sleep.
i took 3 panadols, a cup of honey and i felt better
but that was an hour again,
now the pain is coming back...
i might just pop 3 more and hit the sack..
but wait lemme finish this herbal tea i made, with more honey..
baby i miss u...

Thursday, March 16, 2006


im afraid that every hug will be the last.
im afraid that my lips will never meet yours again.
im afraid that tomorrow,
you wouldn't say you love me,
im afraid that tomorrow,
you wouldn't care anymore.
im afraid someone else will take me place,
im afraid of being replaced.

im more afraid cos i lost you once before,
and although they say : -
"if you love someone let them go,
if they come back to you that's how you know.."
who in this world can say for sure,
you won't slip from my arms again?

when you left more than half a year ago,
when you walked out of my life...
when you told me you didn't have any love left for me..
was it all true?

im afraid i can't tell what's true..
im afraid of being a fool..

but the most frightening thing is...
if i can't be with you...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

it's been almost 2 weeks baby,
since you held me in your arms, again.
i don't care what others say anymore,
all i care about is you and me. =)

work's been normal..
my com's memory has been upgraded!
not that im feeling the difference though.
hahah... managed to leave early today so baby and i went to one of our all time favourite food places...

crystal jade!
omg... ee fu mian, and the chicken wings are to die for...
we had a plate of each, each...
everyone was lookin at us like we're crazy?
baby its been so long,
but it seems like jus yesterday...
ilu. too.

somehow with you,
everything just falls into place...
thanks baby, for making my life right...
for re-occupying your special place in my heart...

Monday, March 13, 2006

love of a lifetime.

i love you. as it's always been.

now, there's no other reason in my life.

just for two. =) indochine. 11th march. (ps. dis is not photoshop-ed! its real foam!)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

date movie was hilarious,
though we were 15 mins late.
we got caught up in the crazy sale at quiksilver @ paragon..
ended up blowing close to a hundred bucks..
bought my baby a quiksilver tee..
i haven't spoiled her in ages!

if u havent tried the fried mars bars @ far east,
please do.
according to my darling,
they're orgasmic...
i think the cheese sausages are better,
although a tad bit suggestive?

indochine was packed,
as usual i guess..
i'm never gonna haf dat hawaiian punch again,
though it gets u damn high,
it tastes like your typical cough syrup...
like many a alcoholic drink. =(

aj : "mummy please bathe me...
i haf sand and dirt in my mouth
and i think im gonna throw up..."
=( =( =(

it's been a week baby,
time is just flying by...
just as the week began,
it's over.
i don't even remember if it began...

i'm loving every single moment back in your arms.
i don't wanna lose dis feeling again..

Thursday, March 09, 2006

ooo breakfast!
i can't wait baby!
it's been ages since we've had breakfast together..

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

it's been helluva long time,
since i've felt like dat..
and it's funny how i miss u more now,
than when we were miles apart..

do u miss me only now?
or have u missed me always?
cos i just can't help but wonder,
why it took so long...

i guess you were right back then,
we just needed some time away...
away from each other till the day...
the day we'd find love once again...

Monday, March 06, 2006

okae... now i know what gabriel meant... *giggles*

my music jukebox...

aria 4th march 06
getting high on our margaritas and everyone's favourite carlsberg.

the long bus rides we used to take in the past...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

and i wonder,
where you've been all dis time...