Wednesday, May 31, 2006

im totally bummed.

i love you sarah hoe.
miss you lots lots lots! =)

Monday, May 29, 2006

...while i was sleeping...
its between us. =)

gave baby a big surprise today!
was supposed to go out with mummy and daddy to get my present
but didnt go in the end
cos i actually pschoed them out of it.
so i told her i was in town with my parents,
when i was really on the way to school.
and i waited outside her classroom...
and at 530 i heard dis loud shriieekkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

yes that would be her, sarah hoe.

she saw me standing there,
i swear my heart came out of my mouth when she screamed.
i totally got a heart attack myself.
u shd have been there to see the look on her face.
i love you baby.
hope you liked the lil surprise.. heheh.

tp's bridge.

went to tm,
walked around aimlessly.. until we got to toys r us!
the photos speak for themselves..
but i still miss baby ele! =(

baby and big bear. very big bear.

had dinner at delifrance..
she's one big baby... had to feed her.. but i like!
took a long bus ride home again...
and while i was sleeping...
well i shant say.
it was... mindblowing.
and did i mention baby has a damn sexy butt? =P hahah!

gotta start work at 930am tmw.
im so so bummed out.
hate it.
im really considering going back to the hotel line..
sighh how how how! *pouts*
actually, can i just quit and spend every second in your arms?

that'll be heaven on earth.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to me...
happy birthday to jeanine...
happy birthday to me!

so im 21 now,
am i free to roam the world?
do i stand alone now?
do i possess limitless freedom?
i really wonder...
and i've been thinking,
is my life gonna be forever this way?
been thinking bout lots of stuff..
life and love.
and it scares me,
it freaks me out.

here's what happened today. quite unusual i must say...
had intended to attend 1130am mass,
but when we got there it was jam packed, carpark full, heavy rain, roadworks.
so we decided to attend evening mass after failing to make it back to yishun to attend mass at 1145am instead.
headed home for like half an hour before going to swensens for lunch.

my mummy gave me a necklace and a matching bracelet,
my eldest sis gave me a matching set of earrings, necklace and ring.
my nephew bought me a book on how to manage stress,
and my 2nd sis gave me a hundred bucks.
now what should i do with all these...

photo time!

the goh sisters...
it was great! hahaha

then after lunch,
daddy wanted to bring me to wisma to get a watch for my birthday.
but when we got to town,
we were stuck in am impossible jam...
and so..
we decided to go home ( yes again )
before attending mass at 530pm...
so i changed clothes cos i didnt wana wear heels anymore..
bad move i guess..
daddy did suggets it was inappropriate for dinner
but they didnt tell me where we were going
so i just put on a spag top, skirt and birkies..

guess where we ended up having dinner?
the greenhouse @ the ritz carlton.. (the food was fantastic..! oysters, sashimi, sushi, lobster - for me only, tons of desserts, ice cream, smoked salmon... =P )
my old workplace so full of memories...
all the people i grew up with for over a year..

sadly, my closer friends werent around, people like samantha, happily holidaying in europe! cheryl, yoke yee, and the whole gang...
at least the chefs were there! anthony, jason, dylan, cory, wei min... and the service staff, idah, aloy, feby, heather, ricka..
love u all la... and i met mayble also!!! she almost killed me for leaving ritz without telling her.. hahaha! funny.

mr derrick flint aka the hotel manager was also making noise at me for leaving withought saying goodbye. and he wants me to go back to ritz.. hahha.. worth the consideration? maybe. =)

and to all who celebrated with me and for me,
thank you for everything...

especially mummy and daddy.. daddy must have spent over 300 already... and we're still gonna get a watch... mummy's costed over 200 bucks... i wonder how much mine will cost?

the cake, the baked lobster and oysters

baby how i wish you could have been there with me..
i missed you so much.

you had me in tears..
tears of joy and happiness..
for i have never been so loved.
thank you baby,
from the bottom of my heart,
for loving me so very much...

and to all wondering still,
this silly gurl spent late nights putting together a powerpoint slide for me,
one that tells of our story of love.
it is, indeed.

i am overwhelmed. still.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

i had the time of my life.
as always, with you. my love.

felt so lazy in the morning,
i had trouble getting out of bed.
met baby @ amk and headed to town...
first stop, FISH & CO @ wheelock!
yuummmm... =)

after that, i got my ipod earpiece changed!
so happy la.. hahah wheeee!
went to far east after that, and i found my dream bag...
and baby bought it for me for my birthday!!
*grins* i love you baby!

love the bag but i love the birthday gift that arrived early MORE.


our seafood platter for 2.

now i know what you get when you ask for ice water... hahah!

and then we went to DFS Galleria...

shot of the day! baby ele & me...
and moments later..

i caught her making out with baby ele!! i feel so betrayed. hahah!

monkey, baby, and me! heh.

baby! even bears get married... when issit our turn? heh!

thanks for everything baby...

i love u so damn f'much. always.

Friday, May 26, 2006

sarah's reggae princess.

its been donkey months since i went back to school..
had loads of fun with baby!
it was like some crazed adventure we had...
hahaha.. so funn biee!
first we had lunch at ITAS,
not too bad..
it really is a foodcourt.
and there's even a cheers in school now?
total unfairness please... hurr...

it was so crowded everywhere we could hardly move.
so we ended up in the "LAW CLUB" on level 3.

and there we got our part 2 continuaton of MOS.
we always wanted to know what it would be like if
we clubbed together as a couple..

i guess we got our answer today.
and it was extremely HOT.
right baby? grins
but now my butt hurts, and her left leg hurts too.

baby's got tons of mosquito bites... and worse,
they're swollen!

some super poisonous mosquitos indeed.
baby very stubborn la she refused to let me buy
cream to apply..

until i got mad at her.. hahah so funny.
baby must keep applyling okae? =)

anyway, work really sucks.
im on LEAVE but i got so much work to do?

its not even funny..
this totally does not make sense.
i think ive bitched enuff with daddy.
shant comment any further.

the long bus ride home...ya i slept all the way..

anyway! my photo disc arrived from aussie today..
here's a sneak preview!

more baume & mercier launch photos...
if you realise its all behind the scenes.. hahah!

it was a hectic hectic day...
but as off today, 26th may 2006 friday...
i am off until monday!
and when i next go back to work i'll be 21...
oh god...
am i gonna be treated different?
will i be expected to grow up?
suddenly i don't want my birthday to come...
i spent over 200 bucks in the past couple of days...
thank god most of it is on company's expense...
if not i'll just die?
we're taking over green room from oriental today,
i hope everything goes fine..
i just love the menus that i did up...
the stands set us back more than 100 bucks please!!!
i want my petty cash!!!

anyway, baby has crashed!
she told me she'll brb...
she disappeared, and i didnt hear from her already.
hahah silly baby. she must be so tired..
she came to get me after her training...
and i was still stuck at work, reluctant to leave for fear i had forgotten something.
i even brought all of my work home!

i can't wait to go back to school la..
just the thought of it is so exciting..
but i can expect not to know many people...
i'd be glad to bump into just 5 familiar faces..
hopefully baby won't abandon me somewhere. hahah!

we're gonna watch the da vinci code after ccn..
yay! where? don't tell you.

did i mention? i cut my fringe in my sleep...
baby just can't stop laughing
she thinks its highly amusing that i can't even remember chopping off 4 cm of my fringe...

oh well.. shall catch some sleep right about now...
although im way too excited to sleep.
i'll try!
you complete my everyday.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

PBM Day.

(Parent-Boss-Meeting Day)
mummy and daddy surprised me at aria today...
thank god u weren't around baby!
and luckily they didnt go to my office..
did i tell you our photo is sitting on her desk...
i don't even know how the hell she knoes...

ok im too sleepy to continue..

paragon. with fernando and marcel
@ the baume and mercier launch...

with john kung... it was his event.
anyway, it was one helluva crazy day...

something tells me tmw won't be very much different.

its.. baby's haircut day!

hahah my baby got her haircut... what do you think?
my pretty baby... hahah.. boy or gurl? *laughs*

i've got tons to bitch about.. may i begin?
i took a cab down to work cos my dear boss msged me saying i must get the mini discs to aria by 1030am.
i should have followed my instincts and called chef to see if he really needed it by 1030 or if 11 was fine.
i was too panicky to react.
so i end up calling a cab, and paying another 10% surcharge cos i paid with mastercard due to a lack of physical money. $17.80.
so i get to aria and drop off the MDs..
and i ran over to mac's to grab breakfast...
reminded me so much of when baby and i had breakfast at gardens...

baby shall we have breakfast together again sometime? =)

and guess what...??
the stupid food tasting never took place.
the clients didnt show up,
and when i called their office later on,
i was told that (k) had already left the company..
what the hell is wrong with all these people nowadays?
don't they have the slightest courtesy to handover outstanding issues before dropping the letter?

and like the day wasn't bad enough... the internet was down the whole freakin day!!! couldn't do a single thing. totally dumb.

clarence tried to fix it, only to find that the router is beyond hope.. so we had to get a new one... i was playing solitaire all day.. how unproductive! but but but, i closed 2 events without the internet.. hahahha! yayyy! =

i can't wait for ccn day baby!! *grins*

thank god i have my baby,
she makes even the worst day seem so right.
we had dinner @ long johns
and i was practically sleeping through dinner.

baby, im missing your kisses,
your hugs,
your warmth,
and your love..
but most of all i'm missing you..
loadssss.. =)

happy confession day baby!
*giggless* i love you!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

so i went home..alone.
i went shopping..
bought a cardi from espirit.
jeanine's a happy gurl.
then i went grocery shopping at cold storage..
mummy asked me to buy bread and i bought the jumbo pack.
when i brought it home she freaked. hahah!
my green tea supply has finally been replenished.
*grins* and i had my favourite mcwings!
but then of course,
i was too busy on the phone with that darling of mine,
that i bought the wings without the meal.
how dumb please..

food tasting later in the day.
gosh im gonna be so so tired.
gotta be there @ 1030am to prepare for the
FUTURISTIC themed tasting.
can u imagine putting food on a mini disc?
like duh,
that thing's not gonna write anymore files after u pile food on it.
and there's food tasting for green room also?
why am i so busy...

gosh i can't wait for the weekend i swear...

im trying hard to convince myself im really the only one.
help me please..

Monday, May 22, 2006

its raining,
its cold.
and my baby's not here.
she's out with merelda,
and i'm here all alone.
i think wanna go home now...
brrrrrrr... it's freezing!

i miss you baby !!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

retail theraphy.
but for what huh?
my birthday?

it was a good day.. =)
went to church,
had high tea @ plaza market cafe...
went shopping @ robinsons.
i got stuck on one floor for more than 2 hours.
how productive...
and i ended up with lemme see...

1 black satin top,
2 black dresses,
1 salmon pink dress,
2 white dresses,
1 black skirt,
1 black jacket...

is that like.. ALOT?

baby i hope you enjoyed the strip tease..
hahah!! oh god. shhh! =X

my leave better get approved for the weekend
if not im gonna just cry.



had dinner with none other than my baby @ billy bombers after my very unproductive western division meeting. yes, on a saturday.
i had to sit thru 2 hours of talk about food cost... and whatever costs... bleah.

check out my dinner... its a huge portion.. perfect for the 2 babis to share.. hahah!
her honey chicken... it's really good!!!

the best dessert ever... our favourite, ben & jerrys...

it never fails us.. right bieee? heheh

this is for you baby,

it's been a month since we first met alone;

since i first grabbed your hand.

since you first held me tight in your arms.

the first time you sent me home & we hugged goodbye...

it's then that you stole my heart.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

baby drew dis.. i told her she should draw properly..
sleep, also must sleep properly...

it should be like this! =)

anyway, it's saturday! and there's western division meeting at 3pm.. bleahh.

my gay friend told me...

" i don't like to touch women... i don't usually look at women also... but if i ever like women, you'll definitely be on my list, and i'll put myself on your waiting list."

'nuff said.


Friday, May 19, 2006

bored in the office..
im having my carbonara now,
a special order of carbonara with chicken italian sausage,
it's pork free.
i bet baby finds it amusing...
she thinks i have a phobia of pork nowadays.
i don't think i've eaten pork for 3 weeks.

welcome back to hell.
oh yes,
my life is over.
hello endless paperwork..
hello late nights in the office..
oh god, someone please save me.
and indeed,
someone came to my rescue...
my baby girl!!!
so silly..
told her to go home cos it was already so late but she insisted on coming down..
i love her larrrrrrr...
miss you so much sayang..
can't wait for saturday!!!

anyway, this baby of mine is becoming a devil
so playful laaa..
mrt station!??!
helloooo... hahahaha
but i love it la baby...
*grins* you and i both know... =)

i love you! mmuaaacksss

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

you're the best *** i've ever had...

the craziest day ever.
how many surprises can you take in a day?

i've had the craziest week ever with my baby..
first she asks if i'll marry her...
then we start doing crazy stuff
that's driving both of us uncontrollably insane..
then she starts hanging out in my office like i own it.
and today?
she skipped school just to be with me for a whole day..
baby, you're so silly.. you're such a bum.. but i love you.

she kept me company while i went out to raffles place to meet a client.
and she didnt even complain.
it was so hard to see you leave for work..
i knew i hadnt had enough of you.
and i just had to see you again before the day is over..

so i rushed through my work,
and packed up and left..
i got on the bus but it wasn't taking me home.
bus no. 70, and it was bringing me to you.

my heart was racing the entire journey,
i had to calm myself by writing you a note..
i was so excited,
i could have just thrown up here and then.

i hope you liked my lil surprise baby.
although its not very much,
but i had to see you love...
no matter how tired i was...
its an urge i cannot curb.

sticky rice was great!!!
the green curry was orgasmic as usual.. *grins*
baby's colleagues are nice people!
if only i could hang out there when baby's workin
would they chase me away?

we had such trouble parting ways at ang mo kio
so baby decided she had to send me to yishun..
silly baby..
can't wait to see you again..
but when's that gonna be huh? =(

i guess we're two people who really appreciate every second we have together..
it doesn't matter if we're just sittin and gazin into each other's eyes.
all time spent is well spent. no doubt.

saya rindu kamu sayang...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

who remembers this from L WORD?

our 2nd visit to sakae sushi.. im in love with that place...
baby loves my salmon heart...
we were talking about the unagi she ordered... she claimed she didnt but i said she did.. so she had to admit defeat...
and my poor baby was upset about always losing..
so, i did this for her..=)

on this day, a very special day..

i give you my heart,

my soul,

and so much more...

baby... i'm yours, for life.

baby... i'm yours, for life...

i could spend every moment with u

and it wouldn't be enuff..
i could kiss you every second i'm awake..
and i'd still long for your kisses in my sleep
for every minute i spend in your arms..
i'd wish for time to standstill..
cos you're the one with that one key..
that lead you straight to my heart..
and that key is yours.. from now until forever..
and even when this world is over..
the memories we have will never be erased with time..