Sunday, November 26, 2006

get it from me now!
please contact me for full details.
the weekend is over again.
there it goes...
was a rather boring one,
at least i did something that made me happy.
my bags from TOCCO.
$239 each, and i bought TWO.
what the hell right?
oh well. ( :
its one of those days splurge-worthy days.
then i had to go to church, and it was raining cats and dogs in town.
hate rainy weather. puts me to sleep...
dinner with jerome AGAIN, but this time with my parents.
swensens swensens! dammit we forgot to snap photos.
it was a long long night...
to think i was up since 8 in the morning,
i only got to bed at 5am.. hahaha.
was chatting with henryk, we're nutcases.. nocturnals..
i revamped the weekend designer!
gave it a more polished look. i love it.
go see!
ahh okae im tired.
time ta chill... ( :

Saturday, November 25, 2006

not that it makes very much difference to me though.
ahh.. i spent pretty much the entire afternoon on the condo newsletter.
since when was it even my area.'s a lil part of it... the halloween section. blah.
anyway, some friday funnies.
my sister was tryin to figure out all day how to send pictures from her phone to email.
her sms woke me up early in the morning...
and she called at like 12 plus earlier,
my goodness.
we played a trick on her cos my 2nd sis was here,
hoping she'd believe she called the wrong number. haha!
ahhh she asked if she could send EMAIL VIA INFRARED.
i almost died laughing...
and what's worse,
she was trying to send out mms but couldn't...
its no wonder why...
she never even activated the mms service...
oh boy.
well that's that.
steph is going to KL for the weekend.
apparently tori wants to come and stay the night with me.
hhahaha, we'll see if that happens later.
good friday night ya'll.
party animals, try not to drown in BOOZE.
good saturday morning.
love love
: )

Friday, November 24, 2006

yay! new jeans! : )
met up with jessica @ plaza sing today, pretty as always.
and a darling for sure.
so i finally found a pair of jeans that fit my butt.
had to go all the way up to a size 27 though.
damn, my waist is only 25?
stupid ass.
even jess is a size 26!
total unfairness. BOO.
anyways, then i went down to marina square to meet chynna!
that girl is one helluva sweetheart, gorgeous to boot!
everyone's looking good.
i think i need to lose weight,
and no, i don't have issues with myself.
its a fact. ( :

HAMMY CAM-WHORE! i finally got down to cleaning up the STINKIES.

okae, this is random... i was just feeling like some sunshine in my life. : )

its FRIDAY! ( :

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

bye bye colorful blog,
HELLO black & white.
i think the colors that dominate our life at certain points
bear too much relation to how we feel inside.
so, bye bye colors.
now i won't be tempted to keep changing the design
according to my emotional state of mind.
BLACK & WHITE is emotionless.
plain & simple.
works every season anyway. =]
the rain makes jeanine lazy.
supposed to go to butter factory,
but i'm just not in the clubbing-state-of-mind.
put it simply, i'm just not in the mood.
so no tf3 for me tomorrow either.
been feeling kinda like a homey,
it's comforting being at home,
i just wish i had an endless supply of hot chocolate to complete the home stay. =]
ah, the new printer is here but i can't seem to connect it
damn technology. pisses me off really.
how's everyone mid-week? hmm?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


messing with photoshop. haha.
yay! my aldo heels! =]
SUNDAY.i was outside putting at like 9plus at night.
it started drizzling so i couldn't play anymore...
dinner with jerome @ kuriya japanese restaurant.
i swear, if i keep eating like that, i'm gonna explode!
and i mean EXPLODE!
thank god its FRIDAY.
now i can't even remember what i did on friday..
i don't think i even went out? haha.
went to bryan & ben's school for their year end concert.
check them out la...
hahah the handsome boy and the chicken.
oops. =]

that's all i can remember of the week gone by... BYE! =]

Saturday, November 18, 2006

simplicity was never this complicated.

some people say ima dream, some say ima living nightmare.
USUALLY, i'm a perfect daughter, sometimes i'm notorious.
but the folks all over always say i'm a VERY good girl.

i can be the perfect girlfriend, or the girlfriend from hell - this is very rare. what goes around comes around. i believe in karma you see.

i like men who stimulate my mind, tease my senses, and possess a flair for language, he who can keep my attention with no-nonsense discussions. (yes, all at once.=] )

and while i fathom the fact that men are born creatures of desire, i'd like to believe that there are the rare gems who genuinely appreciate female intelligence at all, compared to their desire to conquer the female form itself.

i like questioning life and the way we live it, why we do certain things and if it all makes sense.

i believe that nothing in life is impossible, all things are achievable if only we are prepared to own the result. i appreciate the mental challenge, it keeps me on my toes.
BUT just when you think you know me, you'd better think again. you'd have to spend more than just days & nights with me to really understand. =]

you will only discover the real gem when you seek to comprehend.

Friday, November 17, 2006

the silly things that remind me of you...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

more attica shots!

the line up
1. i don't know his name.
2. kenneth
3. jemm
4. me
5. jonathan (behind)
6. vel

Monday, November 13, 2006

guy: baby do you treat me as your king
girl: yes
guy: you're my queen okay
guy: so how many wives does a king have?
girl: ONE!
guy: and how many concubines does a king have?
girl: zzzz
guy: at the end of the day the king will return to the queen

the kinda theories they come up with in an attempt to assure us.
try harder guys...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

the next big thing.
keep your eyes open.
haha... nonsense la. =]

yay! DIMSUM!
fyi: jeanine loves dimsum.
if you want a date,
you know what to do. hawhaw.

damn cute rite?

unfortunately, its all in my stomach.
rahh dinner time. laters.
Presenting my long lost EX-NEIGHBOUR.
Jerome & me.
-mrt enroute to dhoby ghaut.-
hahah, we meet again. finally.
3 years after i moved out of florissa?
dinner @ fish and co,
dessert at gelare.
now im tired.
i still wish things don't have to be this complicated.
but nonetheless, enjoy.

Friday, November 10, 2006

2 vodka redbulls,1 vodka ribena,
& mr bartender's "chapelang" mix.
add 7 hunks,
2 girls,
& an insanely packed dancefloor
and what do you get?

and guess who i bumped into?
my long lost friend, MORK.
and he was amusing me with his piercings...
one word, ouch.
anyway was at the motorshow before that..
hot hot cars! =]
the perks of being in the lexus club.

racing anyone?

the lambo.

the very adorable alfa romeo miniature.

okae dats all for now.. laters!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

retail theraphy
has been proven to do a broken heart much good.
2 cardigans from cotton candy,
a skirt from i can't remember the shop's name.
heels from colors,
tank top, shirt, cardigan from SISLEY.
i must be going out of my mind...
dinner @ pasta mania with steph & kc..
after popping by ritz.
ahhh... i simply can't wait for tmw to come.
i need a break. from everything.
bring it on.
// the chronicles of a broken heart.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

we walked the beach hand in hand,
we skimmed stones,
we talked,
we had fun...
we've had our moments...
just a month ago.
it's so surreal,
it seems like yesterday
that you told me you love me.
when i was still so safe in your arms.
what happened to all that?
i won't forget the way you made me feel...
your reactions to the lil things i did for you,
they bear no semblance to what you're projecting.
the dreams i have of you every night,
they're killing me inside.
just when will all the pain stop?
when will the hurt go away?
does breaking up bring with it the end of all things?
does every relationship that turns sour end in hate?
cos i'd never wish for that to happen.
i can only wish for the best for you...
in everything you do.
i'm still missin' you..

still, i'm trying to contain the pain.

Monday, November 06, 2006

i've cried my heart out,
i've poured out my soul.
and you're gone so fast..
i just wish that you'd know..
how much i miss you,
this emptiness inside..
the loneliness its killing me,
but i know i'll get by..

i don't regret giving my heart to you,

i know that much is true..
i don't hate you, i won't.
you've always had your reasons..
& i'd like very much to believe that you had my interests at heart.
it's true that this is a difficult patch to get through,
but i want you to know that you'll always be right here in my heart.
& that i will always love you.
" if we are forced to be apart,
throughout everything you do,
please know that you are in my heart,
and that i am always thinking of you..."
those words you once wrote,
now they are for you.
i love you.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

cried so hard,
i've lost my voice.
lost so much tears,
i'm having a fever.
loved too deeply,
now i'm broken.
and no one can make me feel better.
if only you knew.

Friday, November 03, 2006

procrastination is the acceptance of a life
that we don't want to avoid the pain we must go through
to have the life that we do want.

definiteness is the end of confusion.
until one is commited,
there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness.
concerning all acts of initiative & creation there is one elementary truth. the ignorance of which kills countless ideas & splendid plans;
that the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then providence moves too.

all sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occured, a whole stream of events issues from the decision,
raising in one's favour all manner of unforseen incidents & meetings & material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.

2 months since labrador.
did you realise?
there's nothing in life we want, that we cannot have.
it is already ours, we just have to own it.