Wednesday, June 28, 2006

hows dis for a glamorous shot?
so not.

baby came to surprise me and she finally succeeded.
i was too busy with work la dats why!
it was a great shock!! i screamed!!
ya and everyone was looking at me.
hahaha =)

i had chicken pie for dinner!
and durian for dessert at home!
jealous not biee?? =P

oh yes,
happy birthday fabian!
you're 30! hahahaha!!! oops.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Bottom Line
Get a grip on the motives of people around you;

evaluate who is hiding something.
In Detail
There's a romantic mystery hanging around your people right now, and it's piquing your interest big time. Even if you risk being called a busybody, stick your nose into things a bit and do some information gathering. Ask around to see who knows what, and use your humor to put people at ease. You'll soon see who's hiding something. Feeding your curiosity will entertain you to no end. And, ultimately, it will help you solve this amusing 'who dunnit'.

hmm.. interesting. i wonder who it is...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

saturday 24th june
arab street/confession day.
just one word, it was awesome!
and i can always count on baby to be the perfect company.
she's right,
i bought helluva lot of stuff.. hahhaa
and she didnt stop me! =S

and hey, check out the green vespa we saw!

and then we went to bugis,
and we continued shopping again!
ok not we, ME. =X
so all day we walked walked walked.
from arab street to kampong glam back to arab street,
to beach road and then to bugis.
(ok we cheated we took a bus to bugis)
hahah! sorry baby!

was so excited with all my finds, i didnt sleep until past 6am! and then i had to get up at like 10 for mass.. so i only had 3 hours of shut-eye. but hey, i made 2 necklaces which im totally in love with so i guess that makes up for the lost of sleep eh? *sneak peek*

im so gonna crash.

anyway, went shopping again today but i didnt spend anything. hahaha daddy did. i stocked up on my makeup and stuff cos we got 20% off from robinsons. and my hainanese chicken rice costed $17bucks. hahaha. that's what you get when u go to a KOPITIAM located in a hotel.

goodnight. tomorrow is another workday. im so dreading it already..

my nails are always ascher...

ps:sarah hoe, i hate you too =)

Saturday, June 24, 2006

happy confessions day baby!
its been 2 months
since we spilled the beans..
i've no regrets.
do you?

anyway, we had swensens for dinner. AGAIN!
we just had swensens like last week when sarah came back from ophir..
hahaha.. babis.. =P
she had her salmon baked rice,
i had my fish and chips...
which i had to complain about the first time cos it tasted funny.
so i got a new dish,
and a complimentary bowl of mushroom soup which wasn't nice at all.
thank god for my treasure island root beer float!!!
its heaven laaaa. *grins*

sarah hoe and my treasure island float.

hungry baby monkey...

"saya nak makan! tapi, tak suka ikan..busok!"

took the long bus ride home as usual
and i totally crashed!
hahah so tired.. its friday la... heh.

and then,
we went to get my heels fixed!
the heels were worn out,
so went to cobbler chong at yishun to get a replacement.
so fun rite bieee??
LOL.. thanks uncle chong... =)

shopping day ahead! wheeeeeeeeeeee!
love you baby!!! muackssssss

Friday, June 23, 2006

i LOVE my new blog.
& i LOVE U sarah hoe.
missing you like hell.

anyway, the young me...
for old times sake.. =)

its been a not very happening week.
merrill lynch event on wednesday went well,
so did the australian high comm cocktail.
our internet connection crashed for 2 days so,
not very productive there..
but it was finally back up today!

after the event i cabbed down to gardens to see my baby..
she had a netball thing in school..
hmmm.. caught the first half of the match over banana waffles..
eh monkey! are u reading this?

had a client meeting over lunch,
it was great!
i had my duck as usual..
all time favourite..
and that was one of the longest lunches ever..

anyway, i met this indian "fortune teller"
and im still freaked out.
someone save me...

im gonna change my blog layout again.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

way overdue photos...
sarah hoe is gonna kill me...
my bunny.
graffiti at plaza singapura.
some spastic shot that i fell in love with.. hahah check out the cool bottle!

@ the 30 hour street netball marathon. =)

The Bottom Line
Yes, there are problems right now, but you must focus on the future and keep going.

In Detail
There's a lot of drama going on in your personal life, although luckily none of the negative energy is focused right on you at the moment. This emotional noise will likely continue for a few more days, so you should figure out if you want to deal with it or simply ignore it. Keep in mind that no matter which option you choose, the future holds a lot more potential conflict if certain things aren't taken care of. Honesty is going to be your best ally.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

updates updates!!!
yes jeanine's been too busy.
maybe i just haven't been in the blogging mood.

16th june 2006.
our first month anniversary...
so happpy!
had dinner with baby @ sticky rice...
she came to get me from work...
she was late so we were late!
= lesser time to spend together..
but its okae! its the quality, not the quantity.
right bieee? =)

we had so much so much food..
and baby bought me the cheesecake from bakers inn.
heh! its super duper yummilicious!
i love you baby!!!
hope you like your green vespa!
i drew a pink one already! *grins*
17th june 2006
went to plaza singapura for the 30hour street netball marathon..
went shopping in between,
the graffiti was great,the dancing kinda sucked.
i don't really wanna remember the rest of it.
18th june 2006
its father's day today!
daddy i wrote the letter already,
i just don't know when i should pass it to you...
had lunch at surf and turf,
my treat! the bill was like 90 bucks? insane...
went shopping!and i got my birthday watch...
wheeee bling bling.
i love my GUESS watch.. its simply gorgeous.. =)
be jealous, be very jealous...*grins*
and i bought my tigi stuff,
catwalk camera ready and shampoo...
guess what? it came with a free disposable camera...
cool shit la! camera whoreeee.
can someone please explain why im so excited over a disposable camera?
19th june 2006.130am to be precise.
im in such a bad bad mood right now..
just turned down an offer to shoot for Maxim.
like why the hell would i shoot for Maxim anyway?
suddenly i feel so dumb.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

my baby's home!
she's been sleepin all day since she got home last night.
poor baby...
but im talking to her online now! =)
im still at work,
i have 2 events going on..
a wine dinner @ aria... only 27 people...
and a 25 pax dinner going on @ al dente..
(and they're having a presentation now, im bored to death.)
im still a lil sick,
but im fine...
a lil giddy..
but im okae!
yesterday baby came back,
when she called me..
i cried!!
the tears just came to my eyes when i heard the familiar voice calling
she came to my office,
straight from school.
despite the fact that her bag was so heavy and she was so so shagged.
so i decided to bring her for a feast at...
heh.. baby, hope you enjoyed your dinner although i know u just wanted to crash...
helped baby carry her bag...
she's so stubborn la!
baby im stronger than you!
i can carry 2 bags and climb stairs in heels!
wheeee! =P
BUT my leg abit pain pain...
but its OKAE! grins
its our anniversary tmw...
im so so happy!
hee... i love you biee!!!
dont ever leave me alone again!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

can u find me? =)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Day 3, Tuesday, 13th June 2006

My love, my one & only..

Today's cooking day & slacking day.
We don't have to climb at all.
All we have to do is eat & explore caves.
I will probably be taking many many pictures now..
and I think it's gonna get real cold at night..
cause we are already quite high up.
I hope you are feeling better already.
You better be cause I am coming back tmr already.
And I want to see you healthy.
I can't wait to hug you tightly in my arms and give you a kiss,
I miss you, I know you do too.
Baby monkey misses me too, I know. : )
Baby, I Love You, I really do.

Back tomorrow,
first thing I wanna do is to just hug you for as long as I can..
my baby's coming home... =)
i miss you so much baby...
i hope you're okae..
i hope u brought enuff warm clothes,
cause im not there to hold you and keep you warm..

got so bored..
so baby monkey and i had some fun! =)
still at home..
at 5 in the morning i woke up..
fever going up... 38.4 again..
thats it. no work for me.
must go back tmw..
its been 5 days..
since friday dat is..
my work is piling up...
i must clear it tmw..
2 events tmw..elp.. =(
baby's coming back tmw!!
but i dunnoe what time..
she didn't say..

Monday, June 12, 2006

Love Letters from her..
that smart ass..
Day 1, Sunday, 11th June 2006


By the time you are reading this, I will probably already be in Malaysia.
We had a huge tiff last night and till now I think you still hate me.
I am really sorry baby..
I know I am wrong. Knowing that you dislike her I still went to meet her..
I know I am not helping at all to make you feel better.
I am an idiot, to make you angry on the day before I leave..
Whatever I say is not gonna help.. but I really have nothing on with her.
I am not that kind of person baby..
Ok I know you just dont like her- the fact that she was my ex-fling.
I can't do much I know, the only way is to not see her again..
I don't know.. I really don't know.
All I know is that there's only one person in my mind and that's you.
I am constantly thinking of you, thinking if you are ok?
If you had your medicine..
if you have taken your meals..

Baby, I love you.. I have always been loving you..

-> One month ago, on this date,
You sent me a picture message of you saying you miss me in malay.

P.S: I really don't know what I am writing cause my head's spinning
& I am writing while sleeping...
Day 2, Monday, 12th June 2006


You are probably back at work again.. which I am worried about..
I don't know if you are feeling ok.. I don't know if you are well taken care of..
I don't know. I will probably be climbing up Mt. Ophir now..
who knows right now I might haven fallen down somewhere..
yeah ok not funny I know.
You promised to be a good girl so I promise you I will be back in one whole piece..
I wonder what happened one month ago on this date..
can't really recall..
all I remembered was that I am so in love with you
and everything on my mind was you & only you..


i miss you sarah hoe..
so does baby monkey..
please come home soon.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

to sarah hoe.
i miss u so damn fucking much.
and you've only been gone for 10 hours...
how the hell am i gonna spend another 72 hours without you?
i cried like hell when you left today.
so loud i drowned myself out...

im not going to work tmw baby...
im still running a fever,
and i have completely lost my voice..
so i'll only meet lydia on tuesday.

went for evening mass today,
had dinner @ some teochew restaurant in clarke quay.
the kids were there..
tori made me smile.. as usual.
i didn't eat very much..
i just drank alot of tea...

im having such a headache now baby..
i wish u were here with me.
baby please come home soon...

& even though I know how very far apart we are,
it helps to think we might be wishing
on the same bright star,
& when the night will start to sing
a lonesome lullaby,
it helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

last check, 38.2.

& i can't believe she's leaving me in less than 18 hours..

thinking bout yesterday,
it was just plain scary.
i thought i'd be fine just resting for awhile..
but it turned into a nightmare..
throbbing head,
my whole body burning up...
shivering like i got thrown into a freezer..
next thing i know im sitting in hospital..
surrounded by chef, fabian, his gf, and my precious baby...
i swear my head was too heated up,
everything's still so blurry.

but baby i know u were there with me..
issit that amusing that i got a jab on my butt?
there.. i said it. *pouts*
when is this fever gonna disappear... =(

im sorry...
1. for making you worry.
2. for making you rush all the way down to the hospital.
3. for making you leave your meeting halfway.
4. for spoiling your mood to go to ophir.
5. for not giving you peace of mind..

i love you baby..
i'll be a good girl and stay at home like the doc said.
i promise...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

while waiting for the bus...

" peek a BOO " i don't see you!

she hates the fact that im taller than her. hahaha. funny.

baby says i cannot stand like that... i dunnoe why...

dis is her.
and this is me. =)

baby's going to ophir in 3 days...

=( im gonna be all alone...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

crappiest day of june.
so far.

it was bad,
really really bad.
i woke up late,
it was storming outside..
i had back pains,
and other period-pains.
i couldn't decide what to wear cos i look fat in everything.
thanks to my period.

when i step out of the house,
within minutes im drenched to the max.
walking in my heels feels like a total chore,
and i looked as if i just had a rain bath.
my toes felt squishy,
and i just felt plain uncomfortable.

so i went to nea,
thank god the rain slowed down..
and i called hq asking if anyone knew where my teapots were kept.
but 30 mins sitting at the bus stop waiting for a miracle to happen was totally dumb.
cos that miracle never happened.
i don't even wanna talk about it.

i had to pick up a cheque from goldman sachs around 4..
then i hung around citylink while waiting for baby to come for lunch/dinner.
and guess what we had?
hahah yes mcdonalds again!
fast food junkies..
no wonder like BABI.

and then..
we had fondue @ max brenners when i was done with work..
now have i justified my reason for calling her babi?
ahhaha.not that im much different la huh?
it was great!

hope you enjoyed it biee..
cos i did. =)

hope you like the red vespa baby! hee... love you! *grins*

ohya, thanks for the "massage." LOL.

Monday, June 05, 2006

dis very day..

so much to blog about i don't even know where to start.
there's good; there's bad.
i guess i should just remember the good things..
since the bad only throws me further into depression.
and baby would kill me,
(if im not already dead)
if i ever tried to pull such a stunt again...
baby, im sorry..
i dunnoe what i was thinking...
i was so upset,
i just wanted to end all the pain.
im sorry...

today, i had the biggest surprise ever.
when i was walking towards northpoint,
i thought to myself..
that must have been the most unlucky day of my life..
and just as the day's incident was flashing through my head,
i felt a familiar grip around my waist.
familiar, but impossible i thought.
but there she was, smiling at me..
and i felt myself go weak.

silly baby, you should have used today to rest and study..
instead of waking up so early to send me to work.
but i loved the surprise,
and i needed it..
after 2 days down in the dumps..
i felt that much better,
my spirits were lifted that much higher..

we had lunch at pizza hut,
and it was greattt..
very filling, i didnt even need dinner.
and i had a pepsi bath.
'nuff said.. hahaha..
baby's an accident hazard!

went back to work,
(its really starting to get busy!)
and baby went home..
though she was supposed to meet lisa..
but i guess its good anyway,
at least for one day her parents would give her some peace.

even if i had to brave the fiercest storm,
even if i had to cross the widest sea,
even if i had to trot the driest dessert,
even if i had to climb the highest mountain,
i wouldn't be afraid..
cos baby i would do anything,
just to be with you.

just promise you'll never leave me alone in the dark...

picture perfect. always. =)

her hawaiian chic.

THE GREEN DRESS we got from holland village.

the bikini we got for $7 bucks. =)

jon main's 50th birthday party

@ al dente featuring JULES.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

baby thinks i should do curls.

so the day wasn't great,
i woke up late.
in fact i couldn't open my eyes.
fever plus headache = bad bad day.
but i had my prata and my curry,
and dat made me better,
but the day was still blahh
until of course i got to see my baby gurl.. =)

we went to holland village cos i had to run some errands...
ended up shopping like there's no tomorrow..
i bought 2 dresses and a necklace..
and baby's in love with it.
also bought a new purple bikini,
and of course baby tori's present.

and baby got me a present too..

i love u baby..

Friday, June 02, 2006

it took me 3 washes and 1 conditioning to get all the gunk out of my hair.
they did up my hair like some model in vogue.
i swear i had half a can of hair spray in there,
or at least thats what it felt like... bleah.

and MR PRESIDENT himself said to me,
"am i supposed to use my hands to eat the sushi?"
the reply in my mind was,
"i do, don't you?"
but of course... i was at a loss for words...

im so tired.
im brain dead.
my head is numb and so is the rest of me.
the only part of me thats warm is
my heart. <3
cos you're there.

i can't wait to see you sarah hoe.
although im so damn tired.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

updates before i crash again.

tuesday - first day back after my 4 days leave.
started work at 930am.
doing what?
moving sofas from aria to the recital studio.
can u imagine 2 girls (jeslyn & me)
pushing sofas in the wee hours of the morning?
oh gawd. and i was wearing a dress and killer heels.
anyway the set up was pretty okae. the people from goldzone did pretty much everything else.
and the outcome was wayyyy cool.
definitely managed to wow their guests..
and the band that performed was awesome.
sally jo is really hottt stuff! =P

check them out!

anyway, the party crowd was crazy..
and although i had to do canape service,
the people loved me so i had fun too!
they're one crazy bunch!
of cos in every group there would be a couple of morons who try hitting on you...
but its all part of the game rite?
you entertain them, they have fun,
they give you more business.
more business, more revenue, more pay?
oh.. my pay has been increased to $1.7k..
ahhah.. if that's very much of a difference from $1.6k..
ah well.. back to the event, we had to do tear down until like 2am in the freaking morning... by the time i got home it was way past 2..
and i only got about 4 hours of sleeep.

wednesday - crazy set up day
the day wasnt too bad itself,
did pretty much all the paper work i had to clear,
but it was a screwed up day in general.
got pissed off countless times,
no prize for guessing who's the culprit.
DUH. thank god i had my sarah hoe fix today..
she came to the office..
then jes and i had to head to the foyer to look see look see..
wanted very much to have swensens,
but ended up at mac's instead...

i don't understand why i have to be everyone's NANNY.
its getting so damn fucking annoying.
can't things get done without me around? god.

wanted to take 857 hpme with baby but we missed the bus.
the next one that came was packed to the brim.
so i decided we should take the train instead!
baby had a tummy ache.. poor baby..
and i slept all the way, she didn't wake me up at amk!
i just love sleeping in your arms baby.
its the best place on earth to be. =)

930am to report later.
nac gala opening reception..
and im doing the vip zone.
hi nathan... again. sigh...
but i hear he might not attend.. hmmm..
i have my fingerss crossed.*grins*
im dreading the tear down already...

goodnight baby..
i love you... very very much..